WahahAz!! REmember the brick machine i used to be so obsessed with??!! kekex...$86, i've finally been entitled to one of its prize! WAHAHAZ!!! Psp!! Unfortunately, it's just the console pack. Should have got the giga pack man...1 gb mem stick included...but, better than nothing la hor? hahaz...$86!! =P

hahaz..Hi 5 man!!
Let me teach you all mandarin today, an idiom called "Da wu zian xiao wu." To translate it directly, it's big house meet small house. It's referring to a vast size difference that you can easily despise the smaller one based on size, ability or experience.
The following example is based on size. I wanted to buy a stapler, but i'm stucked whether to buy the bigger one. Parents have given me the advise that the bigger are always the better ones. For example, bigger width size televion, bigger fish sold in the market, bigger 4d prize, bigger cars. However...is 'that' big really better??
... ...
... ...
????I think i can't squeeze it inside my bag~
So, didn't get to purchase that, still deciding which to buy. Zachy then consoled me and said he have one in his locker. I think it's the much smaller one. He had to stick his head all the way in to find that stapler. Hmmm...erm...zach? Zach? You ok? HELP!! SOMEONE!! Zach's not responding!!!
hahaz..Happy belated birthday to me! (kekex...everyone wished me that, except myself! sorry!)
And..THANKS BUDS!!! I appreciate everything!! =D Please don't surprise me with xi xiang's presence again. i'm shocked!
EXAM'S OVER! Here comes chinese new year!!! Woo hOo!! L.I.O.N D.A.N.C.E Festival!!! =P Still, i'm not forgetting most of the brothers who are going to face the exams war in no time...hahaz..all the best guys! And the "victims" include you! (in alphabetical order):
Brian Cheong
(yea'rite, he doesn't even have year end exam, just putting him here to let him suffer guilt-for not sharing the no exam freedom with his friends!)
Cheng Shi Ming
Ho Yin?
Jia jiun
Lucas! (hahaz..i didn't forget him!)
Melvin (nonono...i'm not putting myself here to guiltinise me, just making you all jealous)
Wei Hong
Ye Zhao
Yun Ru
and finally... ...
ZACHY!! =)
Hahaz...basically, most from tp, in fact only one from nyp...hahaz...Ganbatte everyone!! For those i missed out, tag on my tag-board (i did it on purpose) so as to receive your wishing from me. HAz! =P
To be back again~
hahaz..Hi 5 man!!
Let me teach you all mandarin today, an idiom called "Da wu zian xiao wu." To translate it directly, it's big house meet small house. It's referring to a vast size difference that you can easily despise the smaller one based on size, ability or experience.
The following example is based on size. I wanted to buy a stapler, but i'm stucked whether to buy the bigger one. Parents have given me the advise that the bigger are always the better ones. For example, bigger width size televion, bigger fish sold in the market, bigger 4d prize, bigger cars. However...is 'that' big really better??
... ...
... ...
So, didn't get to purchase that, still deciding which to buy. Zachy then consoled me and said he have one in his locker. I think it's the much smaller one. He had to stick his head all the way in to find that stapler. Hmmm...erm...zach? Zach? You ok? HELP!! SOMEONE!! Zach's not responding!!!
And..THANKS BUDS!!! I appreciate everything!! =D Please don't surprise me with xi xiang's presence again. i'm shocked!
EXAM'S OVER! Here comes chinese new year!!! Woo hOo!! L.I.O.N D.A.N.C.E Festival!!! =P Still, i'm not forgetting most of the brothers who are going to face the exams war in no time...hahaz..all the best guys! And the "victims" include you! (in alphabetical order):
Brian Cheong
(yea'rite, he doesn't even have year end exam, just putting him here to let him suffer guilt-for not sharing the no exam freedom with his friends!)
Cheng Shi Ming
Ho Yin?
Jia jiun
Lucas! (hahaz..i didn't forget him!)
Melvin (nonono...i'm not putting myself here to guiltinise me, just making you all jealous)
Wei Hong
Ye Zhao
Yun Ru
and finally... ...
ZACHY!! =)
Hahaz...basically, most from tp, in fact only one from nyp...hahaz...Ganbatte everyone!! For those i missed out, tag on my tag-board (i did it on purpose) so as to receive your wishing from me. HAz! =P
To be back again~