Wait wait, before i begin on my topic for the day....can i freaking warn my readers one thing, i guess you all have seen the undead-like lady on a tv advertisement who can't even speak properly advising people about the consequences of smoking, right right??? then, don't [*fiunckg*] smoke (not applicable to non-smoker, i thank you for not smoking) damn!!! I was having so bad a cough and they're there smoking while "Pong!", "chi (eat)" and "hu(win)!!!" during that 4 player game...hahaz...funny they can be, but just as irritating was the smoke! similar to that of many nodding tomy toy you see in departmental stores... GRH!!!
hahaz..why did i brought this up? actually..it's because i was waiting outside a clinic and saw this scene, it's just resembles a after tsunami tragedy and all those stranded cigarettes lying on their saliva-stained deathbed...
dear smoker, for that amount of cigarettes (assuming the same type of cigarette is smoked by the same person), if you're not going to see the doctor 1st, who will?
Ok!! Back on track! today's an ANIMAL DAY!!! *animal noises*
Reminds me of steve irwin when we're back to zoo that i tried imitating him... ...
"woah! Look at this amazing crikey! It's beautiful...oh my god! It's showing its jaw!! I'm going to stop the mouth from shutting! Look, it's an angry crikey!! Watch out!!! *Bing, Bang, clash, Boom !@#$%^@#$%*
Hehez...love today. Rainy it may be, but it keeps the animal refreshed! In exchange, we missed the animal show... S.T.U.P.I.D! Sorry, the "we" mean us!!
erm...sorry, it's awang's family of orang utan...not this not this...it's ... ...
US! =) yes, yakult addicts! =P

Hehez...Melvin sings!!
*(8) -> type this using msn
(8) Old macdonald has a farm (8) { Darren screeches : Yee Ya Yee Ya YoOOoo }
(8) And in the farm there was a pig! (8) {Yun Ru Screamed : YEE YA YEE YA YOO!!!!!}
(8) and it oink oink here (8) {Brian grunts : Oink oink!}
(8) oink oink there (8) {Clarence growls (??) : Oink Oink}
(8) here oink, there oink, everywhere oink oink (8) {Zachary Barks: Oink Oink}
(8) old macdonald has a pig (8) {Melvin *something*: Yee~~~~ Ya~~~~ Yeee~~~~ Ya~~~~... .... ....}
{Lin Feng appeared and sing: MooooOOoooOOooOOoo~~....}
*PS: sorry, lin feng always gives us surprises with his bass vocal, and yes...change subject too...let's not blame him alright?..carry on? =P
Hahaz...in conjunction with one of my post few months ago with regards to sign-board...i'm here to add on how misleading signs can be!
Look at this... what it says?
To my intellect and anyone's intelligence, one can simply said $5 to $90 in words...

On the contrary, $5 - $90 can't definitely be the price range for these kinds of sandals, can they?
hehez...enough chanting!! =)
hahaz..why did i brought this up? actually..it's because i was waiting outside a clinic and saw this scene, it's just resembles a after tsunami tragedy and all those stranded cigarettes lying on their saliva-stained deathbed...
Ok!! Back on track! today's an ANIMAL DAY!!! *animal noises*
Reminds me of steve irwin when we're back to zoo that i tried imitating him... ...
Hehez...love today. Rainy it may be, but it keeps the animal refreshed! In exchange, we missed the animal show... S.T.U.P.I.D! Sorry, the "we" mean us!!
US! =) yes, yakult addicts! =P
Hehez...Melvin sings!!
*(8) -> type this using msn
(8) Old macdonald has a farm (8) { Darren screeches : Yee Ya Yee Ya YoOOoo }
(8) And in the farm there was a pig! (8) {Yun Ru Screamed : YEE YA YEE YA YOO!!!!!}
{Lin Feng appeared and sing: MooooOOoooOOooOOoo~~....}
Hahaz...in conjunction with one of my post few months ago with regards to sign-board...i'm here to add on how misleading signs can be!
Look at this... what it says?
To my intellect and anyone's intelligence, one can simply said $5 to $90 in words...
On the contrary, $5 - $90 can't definitely be the price range for these kinds of sandals, can they?