Sunday, May 27, 2007
"Bridging Hearts - working together"
Wow! Planned some good games with the ideas from Yun Ru, yes the ever creative yet "copying" tigress! She taught me and the campers some interesting station games which you can see the campers were really having fun with! =) However, I think i'll be bored to floor if i were the camper during the day time - nothing but talks, talks and more talks. Imagine someone chanting non-stop for 2 - 3 hours straight. "ma'cham our lecture like that, chant chant chant chant... ..."
I must really thank the facilitators wholeheartedly and sincerely! Without them, the camp (from our side) would have been haywireD!! They are (in chronology order when they reached)
:Irdayu (1st to reach)
:Haslinda (with Irdayu)
:Kai Xiong (Big Bear)
:Myself (I went with him)
:Kae Siong (Smaller Bear)
:Wei Ming (He's really a joker who knows his limit... JoKE!)
:Sherman(He's GREAT!! x 148!!!)
:Zach(He's the man for any activity, dude!)
:Xi Xiang (LOL! She overslept and was victim for the talks!!!)
:Clarence (Not the tall and skinny but of the opposite. He's a good intercepter in netball man!)
:James(who was supposed to be a camper, joined us later)
I hope i didn't miss out anybody?? I forgot the 2 SYA excos-to be names who came during the carnival to assist. Really appreciate all the facilitator's help!! So cool to have these bunch of people to work with. I know a new friend today, Sherman! =) Can't believe he's from Wushu when his attitude and character surpasses way ahead of those from Uniform Groups. He did things as what had to be done smoothly and effectively and never once complain! Really hope to work with him again! =)
Funny, we were so keen to sell drinks during the carnival that we left out some important things that omes together with the drinks. We didn't have straws and plastic bags when the customer asked, so pai seh! But all were understanding as they know that they aren't shopping when it comes to carnival. anyway...LEVELED UP! =)
Photos will be posted up ASAP when Mr Joe May have sent me the e-mail with photos of us that's being taken.
Hom, Hom, Chucky, Chucky!! *Melvin points at Zach and Yun Ru*
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Triple Birthday. or, quadruple?
So sad, created a "mark" on darren's so precious phone. Damn guilty larz! Really sorry dude.
Dota is fun when you play and thrash peepz in team! =)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I found this poster on that net. It's rated M18 la, but it's worth lying your age and rent it for at your nearby dvd rental store and watch it over and over again - for racist persons.
A 1 hr 50 mins show can tell you so much how the "blacks" are being treated so "outstandingly" that most grave misunderstandings were created due to race.
I can vivdly remember the scene where the innocent and all-time good mexican locksmith(Michael Pena - the man shown in the poster, holding his daughter whom was shot by blanks) nearly got his beloved daughter killed due to an incident when he helped a shop owner fix the lock and he found that the door was the one at fault. He've advised the shop owner to change the whole door and the shop owner just told him off saying that the locksmith had cheated him (most probably judging his race) and made the poor guy so fed up and left without getting paid by that unreasonable shop owner.
Few days later, the shop was being ransacked and burglared. The shop owner can't claim his los due to his own negligence about the door. He went straight for the locksmith who have already advised him to change the door. He nearly shot him when his daughter came inbetween. Fortunately, the bullet was a blank. Nobody was killed.
*seems like i'm writing a review*
Still, this post can also remind my dear Jeremy too - don't be racist! =P Before it leads to misunderstandings.
Dou'! Now i've said so much about this, i need to write a report and essay about this movie (e-learning week assignment) LOL.. Do catch this movie if you're free - in DVD or VCD ba?
cya sooN! =)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Roses are red, I'm partially blue
1 year have passed, i'm now in year 2
not tasting the jelly, i'm stuck with hard glue
stop laughing at me, you're in the same soup
lucky there's friends, dumb dumbs like you
jump, hop, run, skip and stumbling too
Obstacles here, and barriers there, look!
i've cleared it all slowly, what happened to you?
hand waving in air, leg trying to move
just like a crab, i'm watching a fool!
the previous 4 lines, wasn't so true
i made it up, to make this look good.
Let's overcome exams, tests and lecture snooze
we can do this together, that's if you're a noob.
no one have survived a lecture so smooth
just stop lying if you say "lectures are cool!"
i'm just so bored, nothing to do
reminding you of saturday's drools!
I just love saturdays
mondays please shoO!
and... ...
let's go to ZOO! =)
hahaz..crap, just too bored and think of something so... so...boring?
anyway, just telling you... LOVE SATURDAYS, GUYS!
Friday, May 11, 2007
10th may
tsk tsk..not sure if she's satisfied with it. If it's not..i'll make sure we celebrate her birthday somewhere outside school, so her eyes and specs will have a taste of the cakE! =P
NYAA!! Let's go for it!! It sounds like fun, fun, fun!! CIP, CIP and MORE CIP!! =) Hopefully can go overseas to places like laos, cambodia to build school!!! i want, i want, i want!!!!!!!
Anymore to say? Maybe the birth of my new companion?? Say hi to my lappy!! hehez. It's a pretty cool chap(laptop). Very nice, and cool! hopefully it stays good after the software configuration!! hehez..can't wait can't wait!!
Time flies, it'll be four weeks since holidays after tmr. To make things worse, tests next week! hehez...tough the modules may be, but patient the lecturers and tutor are! I'm glad the class remained the same!
HAHAZ!! Stupid Melvin, so excited to jog on tues and sprained his poor little feet. I hereby warn you guys, don't take your ankle and feet for granted. They're not machines and they definitely need tender loving care!! =) Don't wait till you sprain them and then start cursing and swearing (like i did) oOpx! =X
GUYS!! REMEMBER THE STEAMBOAT NEXT FRI!! THE 2 ANIMAL'S BIRTHDAY!!! =) Buy presents for them if possible!