Love knows no reasons, Love knows no lies;
Love defines all reasons, Love has no eyes;
But love is not blind...
Love sees all but doesn't mind.
Had our annual class chalet yesterday... miss them!!
Catch up with the girls regarding their school and work, pleased to know they're all handling well with their school pressure and working environment; partially with envy as they've already taken their next step while we guys are still clearing our checkpoint.
Still upset by the fact we guys have to stall for 2 years. It's not a lot but come to think about it, it's enough to make me forget most of what I've learnt in school. Rather terrible ya? I hope when I return to accounting, I can recall quick enough! Not hope, must.
Lol! Btw, it was a risk yesterday for I came out from my sentry to attend the class chalet. I know, it's dangerous for I might be questioned for my absence in camp during sentry, but I think the class gathering is too much be missed out.
And another thing, our Kit Ping is attached! lol! Like finally, wish her all the best! =)
Alright, till next week!
Love sees all, but doesn't mind