7th May 2011! It's been four-five years since we last had election!
Then, I'm still considered a minor, so election is just a thing adult will need to do, I have none to be involved! It's different this year though.
The only thing i remembered vividly from then election was Mr Lee's reply to the deteriorating result of the PAP.
"75% is a pass, 55% is also a pass!"

Yea, and somehow... I wouldn't know the link but it's usually the case right? When this kinds of thing (election) happens... money seems to come our way! If only election occurs more often! hehe!!
However, it'll be pretty stupid to vote based on such rewards. The real and effective govt need not give rewards to tempt the members of public to win themselves votes. I'm sure the citizens have their own reason and are definitely in their right mind to cast the correct votes.
We'll wait for the result tonight. I'm not surprise if there is never-been-before footage, but i'm even more assured that after tonight, Singapore will be a better place after all the pin-pointing scrutinised by the opposition parties in their rallies.
Good luck, all candidates! =)