This is what everyone needs.
A state of body and mind in the most relaxed and carefree position, where there is no disturbance, no pressure, no noises, just you and the most quiet environment. How nice if anybody can just stay in this mental state of utmost peace for just even a while, say 10 minutes?
I'm really glad things have been going very smoothly for me... Not that I am complaining, but I think they are really going TOO smoothly.
Not that I want things to go bad, nor do I want to be complacent about it. So every now and then, I will sit down and think about how things are going now and how can I cherish and appreciate what ever that is happening to me. I am really thankful for all these, though I do not know who is going to be the one receiving the thanks.
Life is pretty short to be just thinking about making fame and fortunes. It is undeniably wiser, while time and youth is still on our side of the court, to take some busy schedule out for our loved ones and notice all the little actions and changes happening now and then.
Taking things for granted, we hear this all day long, but how many of us really consider and think about what this phrase means? I know, we should not take things for granted, so we should appreciate more and complain less, period. Have they really believed what they preached? Is it an obligation to follow the saying or do they really appreciate the things around them from the bottom of their heart?
Did you notice your mug was not in its current colour when you first bought it?
Did you realise there's dust gathering at the back of your bookshelves?
Do you remember how your mum always wake you up or prepare food for you in the past and how things have changed over the years?
Are the folks in your house having lesser conversation with you?
We ignore these little changes in our daily lives. Sometimes, it just further annoys us when we are tied up with something. Nonetheless, these insignificant adjustments reminds you that you are still alive and not living in the past.
It might appear that I am deviating from my topic. My mere intention is to hope that you can create time or opportunity to take a step back from the current economy and immerse yourself in a world, a place where there is no such thing as fame and fortune but just plain field with a clear blue sky. The word is Care-free. Then you will realise that what really matters from deep within, is that you are alive and alive for the purpose of being with the people around you!
Well, I found out that my grandma is being neglected as we grow old when she complained of gastric pains. She didn't want to bother us, but I know she's in bad pain. Then it came a time when i realised that I almost forgotten about her well-being and that she will always be fine. =(
Fortunately, I'm being reminded just in time.