SoRry readers! Didn't blog for quite some time already...hahaz...those who know will understand that. I was in no mood then!! wahahaz...that's why mOod plays a large part in life...don't fluctuate my mood please!! My heart's vulnerable!! kekex.. =P
Anyway..everything's over!! and..i hate being late!! From now on..i'll try my best to be as early as possible for any activity!! Forgive me friend for my pass lateness, i finally know how bad the consequence it'll be to be late again...=P
CoOl!! i love eating big meals with my brothers! SO SHiOK!!!! won't feel the boredom, instead...i felt so comfortable!! Guess what!! we had so much fun cooKing!! show ya examples!

Anyway..everything's over!! and..i hate being late!! From now on..i'll try my best to be as early as possible for any activity!! Forgive me friend for my pass lateness, i finally know how bad the consequence it'll be to be late again...=P
CoOl!! i love eating big meals with my brothers! SO SHiOK!!!! won't feel the boredom, instead...i felt so comfortable!! Guess what!! we had so much fun cooKing!! show ya examples!

If you see properly, this is an ice cube. The one behind is an ice cave - Done by Zach!

Alright, the photo here's not about Darren. Look at the black thing infront. Not sure of it's origin, but it's badly burned! Smokin'~

Yeap, the black thingy~ Cool eh. Leafy is also at the back (xiao ye - happy man eh? Did you notice him growing fatter? They said he gained weight after he returned from home..)

That was what leafy cooked. For god sake, if it's beef it'll be ok...but it's CHICKEN!! XIAO YE!! It's RAW!! Did you know the blood was still "flowing" hahaz!!! (he said it's alright! -_-'''')
Anyway..we had fun! Pool was next. I remembered wasting 3 bucks on The lost world Jurassic park with Xiao ye - his idea on playing. cute...we had fun shooting "dinosaurs". The others watched us later beside the machine!! kekex...guys, guys~
We ended pool way too late. THus, all decided to walk home. HAhaz...someone said we were excited on the way home...hahaz..quite true man, we BOYS were talking so loudly while passing the flyover which 15 usually travel. The road was quiet and we were chit chatting so loudly - no one cares! =)
I also watched a vcd today. So damn touching. I admit, i was in tears. The show was about a guy(gu tian le) who will always faint and forget what happened before whenever he is in love. He'll still recall every other thing Except those times with his loved one. He once lost his lover and was badly hurt (emotionally). So, whenever he is in deep love again, he'll faint. This repeats. According to the doctor in the show, he said this is called a 'selective memory'.'s sort of a comedy la, but then..the part where they showed the man forgetting their lovely times together with the girl was so sad~ awWWw... there's laughter and sadness la. Very nice show... it's called "wo de shi yi nan you" go watch, i have th from me? $1 a day!! =D
MOre pictures coming up...

4 men bored while waiting for xiao ye...

Yeapz, this were how they looked. - I was busy taking this memorable moment! =P (clarence msging a girl~!!)

And finally, our host returns! hahaz...cute hor?? like some Blur blur guy walking~ la la la!!

Any idea who this smart guy is?? The winner will get a prize if his/her answer is "kwee yong" oopx!! (he claimed that going 'town', you'll need to wear properly - this is his version of proper attire to town)
HmmM..there's still lots of things going on but..i shan't mention here...way too long and boring! hahaz.. basketball tmr!! yaY!! Let's play bALl guys!! wahahaz! oopx! Got to know a new friend today...he's so cute too~ wow...i know so many cute ppl~ i'm so luckY!! anyway...good luck Darren for your course~Fret not if your course doesn't end up with mass comm~ We can still soar in accountancy!! =) alright? Yea~ going ngee ann is so suckY (as in the time taken to go there la!) Hey guys...Darren is so humorous!! (he asked me to mention him here, so i thought of that..) yeap...and he sucks in Maple story~ (wahahaz!) he got the worse weapons and skills. He IS even lousier than JOeY's maple character... (so darren, is it enough of advertisement?) I'm sure he'll kill me when we meet...HAHAHAZ!! =P
HmmM..there's still lots of things going on but..i shan't mention here...way too long and boring! hahaz.. basketball tmr!! yaY!! Let's play bALl guys!! wahahaz! oopx! Got to know a new friend today...he's so cute too~ wow...i know so many cute ppl~ i'm so luckY!! anyway...good luck Darren for your course~Fret not if your course doesn't end up with mass comm~ We can still soar in accountancy!! =) alright? Yea~ going ngee ann is so suckY (as in the time taken to go there la!) Hey guys...Darren is so humorous!! (he asked me to mention him here, so i thought of that..) yeap...and he sucks in Maple story~ (wahahaz!) he got the worse weapons and skills. He IS even lousier than JOeY's maple character... (so darren, is it enough of advertisement?) I'm sure he'll kill me when we meet...HAHAHAZ!! =P
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