There's always question with Kwee yong's nocturnal activities, his online games addiction, sleepy days in school, strange appearances, trips/stays in cemetary(ies) and amazing cycling speed. The answer in our mind will only be...he's weird.'s difficult to change his idea. He only make things around him bad~.'s very seldom you see him on the bright side! kekez...still, i'm in contact with this little friend of mine - spying on his activities while in his accompany.
Just look at these photography evidence i had of him.

We recognise him of his low-profile life where he doesn't take the stage nor performances. This time he's holding the microphone and facing a TV with display of music and words. It's obvious he's going to do what's in senior citizen's fashion...KTV! hahaz...we're all in tha public! They definitely win the applauses of the older fans - who are cheering cum swaying cum singing along cum clapping to the rhythm.

He merely holds the mike...and...just hold the mike! hahaz...what's he looking at? He did sing la...but... but...erm...i don't know what to say~ hahaz...he's always like this - "Unexplainable." A "mystery."
In addition. It's not the only thing about him. He releases this aura which can make people near him weird too - things inclusive. Remember people, who are always talkative, turned silent when conversing with him? They'll tend to nod their head a little at intervals after a little talking and snore(s) will follow.
There's people who can boasts their bikes about the modifications, the lightweight structure of their bikes, the gears and quality brakes. Chin Kwee Yong, on the contrary and out of extraordinary power, can make his "2-months-and-it's-already-well-damaged-cum-dirty-bike" into superfast, superswift, supershadow, superbraking, superunanimous, superaccident rate race bike. (*Ps:Take note, he's so stingy that he claimed a $2 set of brake-pads is unworthy for his dearest.) He can shame people like Brandon, Philip Tay and Yi Song whom spent so much on their bikes only to lose to Kwee yong in agility and 'safety'.
(adapted from "Unique People with Unique companion," written by Melvin, editted by Foo. Published in Singapore, 2002. All rights reserved.)
Yeapz...There's more of people. Do discover more.
For explanation with regards to his aura to "weirdify" things, i'll explain to you in a jiffy. You know his house in mesS? He have wet clothings hung in Kitchen with newspaper on the floor instead of hanging it outside on a sunny day. He got 2 computers and it's the only place where you'll stay put at if you really like neatness. His toilet bowl releases weird noises after flush which make his toilet creepy. He took 1 min 23 secs to find his pair of white socks to school and less than 2 seconds for his black socks for outing. His cabinet symbolise that of "old master Q's" - Identical clothings only that, his came in 2 colours. There's trace of biting marks on the food that's meant for offering on the ancestral table. A papaya tree of 6 years old outside his corridor which died recently.
If that's not enough to describe his house's status, i have just in mind one thing to summarise the previous paragraph. Don't be amazed and shock. It has explicit content, please don't scroll further down if you're under 13. It's going to be a little mouth-opening later turned to laughter experience.
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Greatest Discovery: A crooked/twisted Green cactus which symbolises that of a prickly cannot-make-it penis.
Uniquely Weird.
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