the view from UOB Plaza tower 1. Nice~
How time flies...we're now into the last week of our attachment.
These 2 months are definitely one of the longest 2 months I've been through, no doubt I've learnt many precious things through this process!!
Making new friends was a good harvest from the attachment. Let's recall...
Phuay Wah (Fierce-looking yet Gentle "SB")
Fang Yu (I call her the music person - "For you only, Of coURse~")
Wilson (From NP - "saikO dude!")
Adam (Dota player!! Nice chap!)
Bradford (Breakfast~)
Vynson (He's really lame, and a very convincing
Soon Nguan (very hardworking fellow... *ahem ahem* *cough cough*)
Kevin (very soft-spoken, yet 'happening' under his sheep's skin)
Jamie (woah, she really deserve her manager post, i salute her!!)
Louis (slacker, and still learning dota~ loL!)
Clarence (wah, a "very" young uncle)
Linda (she keep calling me sayang and "son", zzz)
Cindy (very fierce when come to work, but a very caring senior! =) )
Don (... ...)
Hahaz...still got many many more!! =) For more info, you can be updated at Fang yu's blog, one of the other 2 interns from my schooL! check out the link! ----->
Anyway, just some things to share.
Nearing the end of our attachment, we're getting tired at office. Very busy and files kept on coming, so we have to entertain ourselves with music!

Cool right? Our dear soon nguan *cough cough* brought us these and wanted to show fang yu. He left it here and went back to work again.
FY returned, and we thought that music is not enough to keep us entertained... so, we played with it... ...

Ta daa!!!
LOL!! Cute right!?!? haha!!! cannot stop giggling... actually wanted to LOL in office one...but must maintain my image! =P
See!! Keng-ster. People thought she doing work, but she's drawing... ... erm... ...treble clair? (something like that~)

And phew!! We managed to have a group pix before everything ended. The 2nd from the right is our beloved FA lecturer, Ms JA. The 2 on her sides are my lovely attachment companion. Right is Phuay Wah, left is Fang Yu. The prince charming would be the one in white.
I like this photo! =) Thanks FY!
Alright, change topic. Went to Haw Par Villa with some friend the previous Sundays. Felt like uploading some here.
We sure had hell loads of stupid pictures over there. That's what the statues are for anyway right?
What did we do... ...?
... ...we posed like the statues... ...
... ...joined the animal kingdom... ...
... ...had a tea session with...antelope? Business are good with their horns~... ...
... ...tried our luck to win the statues back... ...
... ...mocked at Crabz... CRAP!!
... ...interrupted during court case... ...
... ...And been through hell. "Melvin and Newton" from *Yin Cha Yang Chuo - Zero to Hero*
Finally, a decent photo with our Shi fu and some others before departing the historical haw par villa. Sure it looked scary at night, but...very memorable still.
Do visit here sometimes and bring back so fun from the past! =)
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