"Assamalekum" - Not sure if the spelling is correct, but it's pronounced something like that. Hehe!
Really thankful to Irdayu and the rest for inviting us for their Raya visit!! Enjoyed myself on that Sunday! =) Also thankful to Farhan and Syafi for being the chauffeur that day, driving us all around the houses. You guys were GREAT!!
1st checkpoint, meeting at Farhan's house. Had our lunch there....ANAK SIAL!! BAGUS!! TERIMA KESIH! I loved the "Keropok!" hehe!!

So, one group photo at the 1st checkpoint.

This was at Noraini's (Rhino) house where we watched the F1 race. LoL! Rhino really know about Formula 1 man, Baiklah!

And to AliMoon's house! We watched CARS while it rained heavily outside. The 2 kids were so adorable! =P

Then to Faisal's (Tiger) house where we got to meet the Rubik's cube reset machine at the age of 10 or 12. And also a "shocking" chewing gum - Darn, I was the 1st stupid victim.

Ali acting shy in Syafi's house, snapped by our young potential photographer!

See! Photo evidence of them peeping my mobile. Not safe man! Even Ali is peeping... for Brian, I've totally no idea why that face and "grin."

One group photo in Syafi's house..

And to Haslindah's house for the final visit, entertained by the hot actions from Mr and Mrs Smith.. Nice!! =P
We have also visited Taufiq's, Irdayu and Fatin's houses, but Irdayu didn't upload, so i can't show. Still...I enjoyed myself! =) Thanks kawan!
Last but not least, our photographer-of-the-day award goes to...
Dilianah! (correct tak?) -Haslindah's sister!

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