Saturday, November 25, 2006

OH NO!!!

HAHAZ!! Very bad!! If Darren didn't remind me, i'm afraid i will just forget that i need to update my blog! hahaz!!
Well, many things have happened in this short 3 weeks. Parents went oversea, bought me another new bball shoe (which make me have 3 shoes now), study, fail exam, lion dance, dragon dance, fail exam, went out with friends, fail exam and fail exam....hahaz!! So depress over results~ but, kekex...POA WAS GREAT!!! WAHAHAHAZ!! Although my stats fluctuated badly~~ hahaz!!
I've turned gay.

I found ronald's shoulder comfortable. He seemed happy too.
I was so bored i brought out primary plus kindergarten's memory. YOu can tell by now i'm quite deprived from Power Rangers when i'm younger..

I've also driven. Look!

Went to Grad night 06' yesterday. Felt quite extra there, but...still have to be there. Darren should have taken my place, so he can see...*ahem* hahaz!!! =P

Xi xiang was so gorgeous!! hahaz...*whistles* oOpx~

Blog next time. No mood to blog now, wait till i've changed its skin alright? cya!! =D

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

New shoE!

Yay!! i'm going to get a new bball shoe sooN! feared, after i rejuvenate with new shoe, better me!

I'm back to my form again, got the 2nd career high with 28 points again last sat in the RC team.
"Melvin lifted the whites with 28 points, 5 rebounds and COUNTLESS ASSISTS, sending the blue, under a ill captain down, with a 82, 64 win." *bragging*

Hahaz..some kind of star player? Yes, this is Melvin.(yea yea) Hahaz...the situation is, the real star player(captain-blue team) is down with BAD flu and cough, whereas Jeremy KOH-blue team was absent. The jeremy LIM-white, in my team just make things worse, together with one unknown guy. Hmph~

Still we wiN! hehez...
and i'm getting a new shoE!!!!!!! HEHEHE!! excited! ;)
(e-learning sucks, when M.S.T[mid-semester test] follows after)