Like what I posted on Facebook, Dragon going down luck in the year of the dragon. What Irony.
Earth Dragons – Years 1928 and 1988
More rooted in the ground, Earth Dragons make better decisions because they act more rationally. Earth Dragons are level-headed and able to control their behaviors. They’re more supportive of others, but they prefer being admired by others.
I like the above description of my Zodiac, very similar to my Personality! Haha! I'm not sure which is one that determine my way of thinking; If it's zodiac, then does everybody born with the same zodiac think like how I think? I doubt that! So as much as I want to believe in those Zodiac things (fortune-telling, personality, health predictions), I have some reservations for it as well!
Haha! Not avoiding these beliefs because the Dragon people are going to have a bad year ahead, instead it's me not getting any luck despite positive (even 'very very prosperous') predictions for the past years. Sad eh?
Well, if it's really dependable, then I believe i'm in a very very negative position (in lay man's term 'bo hua'). If my 'very lucky' was mediocre, then my very unlucky will be...
Well.. on the brighter note, I have someone to share this suay'ness!