Saturday, December 04, 2004


Hi eveRybody!! wELcomE bAQ to My blOGz!! hahaz...basIcAlly, you all must bE woNDerIng why i deciDed to change mY blog address? well...if you all veRy curiOus and DIE-DIE want to noe, you all can approach me? yea?
yeapZ...ok, baq to ME!! hahAz...nw got moRe frEedoM to put my ReAl refLectiOnz~!
Firstly...there was a pEriod of timE (last day of oct) when i waS realLy reaLly sadz...I no, more of SAW a shld i sae...erm...'sad' scene? whEn i 'analyse' heart just suDdEnly sank loR...suDdEnly nO mOod!! 1st time i ever fElt like this... i was like...'not-myself'~ The real me, is supposed to be the always-optimistic guy arnd the NEighBourhOod~ but, after tt incident...i jz can'T loOk 'bright'~ toTAlly iMPossIblE!! I was like..."why am i feeling this way?" den, the days smilEs were AlL 'forced'...i wasn't enjoying anythiNg since aftEr tt 'thing'. No onE noticed it, except some closer friends...howEver, i wasn't trying to upset them...i just doesn't want them to noe the 'all-time optimist' to be so NegativE~
But, nvm...after somE days of 're-calling', i'm satisfied with what I am today now, realLy thanks to mY 'brOthers' and clOSe friends of miNez~, basketball iN thE morn'...i try to chARge up my 'P.O.L' again...though not as strong since after the saddening pROb, but it's stilL as useful to brg me up? yeA? and...after tt, went to gRandma's hse...and...jalan jalan loR....
BUt yestErday was much fuN!! my group -Faisal, Denise, Yun ru and me wenT to the Zoo!! yesh zoo!! it was like, hell long siNce i last visit tt plAce!! *memorAble* lOng triP there THough, but worth the whIlE as we managed to coMPlete the mission fer the day? yeApz!! den..suddEnly, wan ting gave me a call and ask if i'm free to watch 'sesame street'? hahaz..i was sort-of like...'Huh!?! sesamE strEet fer me!?!, maybe 12 yeARs b4?' but, she got extra freE-tix lor, so jz agreed with it...and ruSh to dwntown EasT in vehicle '240'...which turned up to be $ 12.50...HeARtacHe*!! but, nvm la...can see 'Elmo'!! hahaz....'s alL fEr this entrY...and oh yAh, plz give me comments on my template in my tag-board can? thanx alotz!! cya guyS~

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