Friday, January 14, 2005

hMmmm..cAMpfiRe!! + FarewElL~

hAHahazZ!! toDAy is sEc 1's oRientATion last day, the Campfire! hahaz...wEll, i'm helpIng out witH the stAtus Of "U.G"

weLl, tooK care of Sec 1n1! They'Re indeed SporTIng man~ luCky i gOt thiS class, not like Sianz waN~ =D den, duRing their dinNer tt time..Mr kevin Kao kept shOutinG shoUTing..unTil face so red...ppl kenna scold liao, very scared..i still can hide somewhere and laugh...eVilz!! hahAz =P yahoR...den after tt is duRIng the nite itsElf....campfire SOngs ALl the wAyz!! hahaz..enjoYZ!! *went crazy*

hmMm...forget to mentioN abOut things b4 the CAmpfIRe itself~ well...was haVing bio 30 mins make-up lesson...very fast, den hafta go home change into campfire -attire, b4 2.30...den.....yalor..luckY made it in timez~
HaiZ..DuRIng lesson tt time hor, alvIn and nAomi...halfway call us go..and even lie to the Coach Tt we hafta go disappOinted in him! den somemoRe...after tt...going to celebrate Ms chan's farewell...the boys!! *this make me SOOO madz!!* they're are all So crazy abt thE pIzZa more abt miss chan's last day!! WTH!! make me vEry disAppointed...16 yr old guys behave like 3 yrs old kids...haiz...nvm, enough!! angry angry~

bUt you All must be i enjoyed the campFire despite my 'black-face' today?? hehez...lemme share with thanx to the double bonus!! hahaz!! so hAPPY!! to * twice leh!! face-to-face!! alone, in sch while walking lehz!! 'an xin'...coz i so long diN tok to her liAoz!! =P ...shE appearEd bOth time at just the riGht moment!! hahaz...she realLy calmed me dwn alot lor...LOTZ!! so happY! den..after tt....i jiu get back my fav. smile again lor!! hahaz..FnF!! i'm sure the boys "that was facing my black mood beforehand", must have beEn confusing abt my sudDen up mood rite? it was!!

welL...another one last major thing...i repeat again..our beloved miSs Grace transferring to Bedok North sec i think..haiz...we'Ll miSs You miSs chAN!! and...thanX for YOur guidance siNce....the first time we met!! we'll do you proud in the S.V.A this year (though we know we're losing last yr)..nvm..we wiLl!! you must stay happy kayz!! cheeRIosZ!! dn forget this bunch of MoNkeYz!! :D
thAt's alL foLkz...cya Guys!!

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