Saturday, December 25, 2004

EaSt coaSt park~ is...Friday~ hahaz...FancY drIll training in PRsS~!! it was fun!! indEed...enjoYed ourselves, leaRN lotsa coOl steps...gonnA shoW alL of you dUriNg the cca daY? Wednesday that is! HopE we can mAKe it in time...and what's moRe...Ms Lim had 'boOked' an amBulance foR us..dnNOe if it woUld bE of use? hahaz...

Next...AfteRnOon... whEn i reach home firsT thing...Rush oNline..but come *'s not online?? is there a problem again? i really hope there isn't..i got such feeling tt i was blOcked...but i dn thiNk wouLdn't have bEen poSsiblE eh? hahaz..HopE so!! (coz i toO irritatiNg le...=D)

aftEr online for abt...30 mins? i go slp slp slp~ untiL 6, when i have to prEpare to go East Coast!! hahaz..the attEndence is : Joshua, Yu song, Alvin, Kwee Yong, Sze yin, jia jiun and mE!! hahaz....suRe enjoyEd ourselve with alL thosE craZy "singing", and certainly...distuRbed lotsa couplez...hehez...eVilz ~ den...we walk to mArinE parade...den take 15...wah...wE haD so many tHIngs to share abOUt man..thiS inclUdes Jia Jiun's and Philip's pRoblEM..tgt wiF the tEnsion betwEen Yu song and NichoLas (4e1)...hahaZ..yeaPz... =D

hAIz..tmr ChristMas eve lehz..wanna wish * a merRy christmas de...but, she's not online..whu asked latE then reach home...siAnz!! somemore, wanna caLL..but i tink toO late...( i can't possibly call * when i'm with the othErs rite?) tt's y...nvm..i'll try tmr! hehez... alL othErs and anybody!! MerRy chRistMAS!! hahaz...SAnta's coming! lOok-ouT!!

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