Sunday, January 30, 2005

-FriEnDz? , maybe not...-

hMmM...beEn very moodlEss these days...and, goOD enough, i finally fouNd out one thing about 'Life', humAn's life...and, my first part... -Friends-

Friends, according to everybOdy, is a people that you need...without them, you'll suffer~ true? one way or another..i agree..but, these days bring senses to me...i somehow thinks tt...yar, it's'll suffer without them,'ll suffer as well with them...

"a friend in need, is a friend indeed", well said...i finalLy see the meaning of this phrase, they require fullesT attention, and cater to their matTer what circumstances...and you, as friend, should help them solve their problems, listen to them and help! However, when your turn comes...they'll be happily whistling to their celebration, and what's you? their party masks? decorate their faces and putting on a smiling face together with them, even though it's not from your heart? (tt's why they don't want you sad, cause you make them look sad..) okok..afterall, i shall sum up... "they demand your thoughtful food, and enjoy their sumptous...putting you to hunger, clearing up the plates..."

I just hate thiS...i'm really thankful for these days, which helped me searched out the real identities of 'some peoPle'...I'm utterly disgusted and disappointed in them...and, for myself..i regretted...but, nvm...fnf...what can i do? I chose my own route...

I totally deSpIse pPl who says about others, when they are themselves the one who they were drawing as..."the pot, calling the kettle black" they can describe all thEY want, even to junks...but never do they reAlise...they're worst! i've seEn through ppl...i don't want to mention names...just take note ppl...i may be one, but at least...i know i can change, and..i would constantly remind myself about tt!!

hAIz..what has the world come to? backstabbers? haiz....really feel pointless in living, research still tells "only human brains can think about benevolence"...yah...united in front and stabbing at the back, worse than a fox....even a crow can repay their parents...what are human!?!

hMM...nvm, i think i have enough...stilL, i'm glad to have some real/true friends who aren't the failures i'm describing as...really fortunate to have them..and feeling kinda guilty to have left them out last time? haix...don't worry...i realised my darkness...i'm searching for a way out now...please forgive me kay? really..i promise!

hehez...enoUgh of alL those sickening stuFf la...hahaz...cest la vie was great so many opportunities to look at *!! hehez..muAHahahaz!! so happy these few days (excluding things tt deal with my so-called friends) hehez...time to cheer up! coz, i've found out real and happy stuff!! hehez...cya can see my smiles back again on moNday!! no more frown from me, Darren!! i promise!! hehez... :-) thank You for everythiNg manz!! you rawkZ!!

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