Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's day farni...todAy Mr Kevin Asked about "what you think about 'valentine's day'? " hahAz...then he chose one by one..Darren said "day of cupid", Tina: "friendship day" ...welL welL weLl...what about me...its...a day to remind me of "total defence day"!! hahaz..-_-'''

ok la..back to's a day for your lOved ones! thiS includes any1 you love, evEN the fishes tt swimed in youR tank and ignorinG eveRy words you say~parents! of don't love them? yeahz...and speciAl someone! know who i'm referRing to~

hAIz...hAVing some prOblems about this "fighter plane" tt's fightiNg for my parking slot in the airpOrt now...i knoW the airpoRt is rejecTing tt plAne la...however...passenger planE can nv beat fighter planes in speed, charm and power rite? hMmm...nvm...i'll just try my best to just make tt parkinG slot permanenT!! i don't care!! i'm gonnA just occupy there forever!! =P *sorry for being so stubborn*! wait wait..must relax first..FnF Fnf!! =)

nvm..cheEr up abit...2dae CommOn test..shiT!! i remembered all formulas EXCEPT the most recent spd-time graph thingy!! shit!! lucky i remembered others ( coz it's all points giver! ) yeapz...and...other than tt stupId problem~ my daY is juSt great!! esp after sch~ hahaz...I'm nOt FrEE oN SAT!! soRrY!! remEmber!! i'M noT free thiS coming SATURDAY!!

tt'S all folkz!! cya (and darrEn good jOb welL done!! kp it uP yea bro? hahaz...Brian, you as well!! gooD luck!! )

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