Friday, February 03, 2006

Birthday? The worst and the Best! =P

hahaz..yeS i've turned 17 today!! woo HoO!! well...tell you one very bad news...i didn't enjoy my birthday..sobx sobx!!!

wah the zodiac master said, the dragon's very unlucky this year. SO...true enough to be proven on my birthday. I goT a stuPid food-poIsoniNg on my damn day!! grh!! I've recorded. 17 diarrhoea 9 vomits. Total, i visited the toilet 26 times. Peak hour started from 3.30 pm till 12 am. SAD!!

I'm so angry at myself. They Celebrated my birthday with me!! I really appreciate that soOoO much!! You guys are the best dudes! I'm so so so so so so ToucheD!! :'( You guys includes Darren, Zachary, Clarence and Yi song. Not forgetting Zhi yong and alvin who got me a Porsche model. Clarence gave me a shirt too! Shafique also gave me a VERY CUTE Garfield card made by himself!! It was so cool!! i love it! Not forgetting shi ming's, taufiq's, Noraini's and Faris' greetings! hehez..still sms by MEI MEI!! Ayuni, jovina, lek, my cousins (nicholas and rachel), Gina and li qing who brought hp to school. HAhaz...i'm so thankful for all your greetings! thanks so much!!

Well...this birthday, i only received sms, card and 2 presents. But, i must say the most valuable thing i found this birthday is those friends around! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Brothers are the best! =) Jeremy! wahahaz!! you're great! kekez... now my hand's slowly improving!! don't forget, we're the best tag! waHahahahz!! I'll be back sooN!! kekez..thrashing 2 innocent kids =P

Anyway...i like the cake you guys bought for well as my mum's own-made cake...wahahaz...this might be one of my best birthday!! thanks PeoplE!!! =)!!

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