WAHAHAZ!! i'm back!!! kekex..so happy to see singapore!!! wah...phew man!! who says the aeroplane's going to be alright? My first plane already got problem liaoz...hahaz..heng still near singapore! hahaz...
anyway, i'm back already..school's starting soon also!
NOW, i'm going to tell you (both general and details) about the past 12 days...
DAY ONE: ok, for the first time, my name is imprinted in this small little white and blue paper. kekez...so swa ku...

(oh yah, i took this pic in the toilet, which explained the "toto" - hehez...urinal brand, remember?)
Yeapz...stupid enough, only then i know that i'm taking Valuair. Yar, someone told me one of the worse budget airline is Jetstar asia, right zach? And unfortunately, Valuair IS jetstar asia...hahaz...how sad? My first flight!! still, i took picture of it, being my first flight mah! =)

(hahaz, the picture nice hor? i take de lehz! with my 750i =P)
and...yeap, when in the plane... ...

(1st - hahaz...not bad eh, the wing seat lehz! can see the...the..what you call it? oH yaH! flaps! =) and the 2nd, my lovely parents - i didn't know my mum know how to make the "V" sign~ )
hehez..so excited, and after 30 minutes, the plane sped up at the runway and up up we go!! woo hoO! for the first time!! I'm flying!!!!!!! wee hee!!!
H.O.W.E.V.E.R... 30 minutes after the ride... the captain speaks...
"attention passenger, i'm the captain speaking. hope you enjoy the flight and i apologise that something's was not properly done and we'll need to return to Changi airport. Don't worry, that shouldn't bring danger to the plane. We regret for the inconvenience caused."
hahaz..and yeap, we took 1, near to 1 and a half hour to reach the airport. Anybody, do maths! 30 minutes there and almost 1 hour extra later to return.
hahaz..then i return to the airport again...totally shagged! (maybe i'm not used to it la...) then called zach, only to talk to audrey, weird~
ok, for the change of flight, i got this!

(this is not taken in the toilet, but the phone booth~)
And then at 7.26pm, i'm back at... ...

(my seat! but..hahaz..it's already raining, and by the time we fly, it's thunderstorm...phew, scary but fuN! =) )
During the flight... remember me saying one of the worse airline? how is it proven..yeap...2 hours later after the take-off, i "squeezed" out of my window seat, run to the back and "wait/queue" for 3 minutes to enter the lavatory which doesn't make me any better but to ease my vomit! Everything's out in just 2 minutes... hahaz..can understand? First, i'm feeling very uncomfortable and chose to puke to make myself better. Due to the VERY limited space, i had to squeeze out go to the lavatory. Next, there's only 2 toilets, i'll have to wait... hahaz.
Ok, no phones on during the plane, so i didn't take any photo. My only source of camera was my 750i! =)
4 hours later... ...

(we've reached hai kou - a.k.a hainan island, a.k.a coconut island, a.k.a qiong hai, a.k.a my hometown!! =D)
It's already 1 am plus when we reach our destination...we were SO many hours late! hahaz..and, the time there is the same as s'pore...hehez...all shops closed, so the tour guide just bring us straight to the hotel...and...hotel!!

(my rooM! hahaz..small right? INDEED!)
ok, that's all for day one! nothing but the flight trip! tell you more tomorrow about day two! cya!
(up next! -