Wednesday, June 28, 2006
5-6th july
anybody free on 5-6th July?? I'm going to Esplanade to watch Jeremy in action! hahaz...msg me If you're interested! ;)
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Yeapz...both the wedding dinner photos and those taken during the C.I.P! =D

The group which I led, together with Farhan (my all-time group leader! =D)

This is Joyce's group, and facilitator, Tang Kit Ping. Not fair, they had bigger group!

Ok, lost some photos, back to Pan Pacific hotel, the bride and groom! =D

Hahaz..just wondering, spent so much on either renting or buying the gown just to be dragged on the floor? hahaz..cute

Cutting the cake! the wedding cake! =D

Omg...the best dish served yesterday. Still, I feel guilty eating it.

Nice dessert! Lotus seeds with red date and longan. Not bad.

Finally, last of the whole event, a nice family photo. =)
Sad... i didn't go to the Creative Warehouse sale after all... ... MY VISION:M!! :'(

The group which I led, together with Farhan (my all-time group leader! =D)

This is Joyce's group, and facilitator, Tang Kit Ping. Not fair, they had bigger group!

Ok, lost some photos, back to Pan Pacific hotel, the bride and groom! =D

Hahaz..just wondering, spent so much on either renting or buying the gown just to be dragged on the floor? hahaz..cute

Cutting the cake! the wedding cake! =D

Omg...the best dish served yesterday. Still, I feel guilty eating it.

Nice dessert! Lotus seeds with red date and longan. Not bad.

Finally, last of the whole event, a nice family photo. =)
Sad... i didn't go to the Creative Warehouse sale after all... ... MY VISION:M!! :'(
Wedding dinner and C.I.P
cooL! Just came back from Pan Pacific Hotel, Ocean ball room.'s a relative's wedding dinner.
Actually, it's rather boring la, except that i can be with my maternal cousins. He's botak! cute/handsome! He's more "man" now, with all those dragon boat-trained muscles! He's damn, woah! He even wore formally. Hahaz...pretty girls, want his contact no.? Get from me! =D
Hmmm...boring it may be, but the food's good. Except for the baby abalone. I swear i'm not going to touch baby abalone anymore. I'm traumatised by it. It's so ewl, and it's so expensive - not worth it!
Anyway, YESTERDAY'S CIP WAS GREAT!!! WAHAHAHAZ!!! =D It's rather fun to play with kids! hehez... compared to the previous cip, which is dull, we played with the 7-12 YO children!!
It's a holiday adventure of Narnia! It's organised by the Life Church, if i'm not wrong, it's a branch under "focus on the family ltd." They've already had one such event in Orchard b4.
We played cute games that got to do with Narnia. I'm sure my group members did had fun with ourselves. Tiring it was, fruitful it is! =) We are supposed to complete for another 6 hours only, but we did much more than that without any complains or grumble! My group members definitely had as much fun as I did! =D
It's held in Bishan CC. A group of 8. Farhan, Jacob, Allan, Kit Ping, Joyce, Hui Ping and Hana(Farhan's friend). We managed to some lead the team of children and some facilitates the game section. It troublesome to manage the kids somehow, i don't know how to entertain them with, Narnia? hahaz... But it also amusing to see how they answer questions, how they react how they play...SO CUTE!!! kekex...
Oh yah, i also get to know this girl, she's my group's facilitator. hahaz..not bad lehz! (wasted, should've asked for her number! la la la...) kekex...i don't know why, but girls who does voluntary work are respectable and (gentle) Oopx! Hehez...she's kind and helpful, friendly too! So girl(s), get what i mean? hehez..=P!!!
After that... we cleared up the whole mess and woahz...there's loads of balloon laying around on the floor. I managed to burst some, and then the organisers told us to bring some to Junction 8. There's a stall there too, so they thought they might need the balloons. SO...the 8 of us, holding so many balloons, walked from Bishan CC to Junction 8. Man, we looked like clowns distributing balloons in shopping centre. SOme kids approached us too! hahaz... WOrsE case ScenArio! They didn't need the balloons anymore, so~ they told us to get rid of them with few conditions - No giving them out at their sight (they paid for those quality, narnia-printed balloons). no bursting of it there since we've reached the shopping centre - people might think it's explosion. Meh, that's really a challenge. Obviously we can't bring that bunch of balloons from bishan to Pasir ris, tampines, eunos and Yishun. We can't burst it at that area too, it's public. We struggled on ways to get rid of those balloon safe, silent and out of sight! FINALLY, we came to a stairs at the interchange and release all the air by biting it. Yes, biting the dirty and possible poisonous balloon to release the air. The balloon leftovers are thrown in a nearby rubbish bin! =)
Wow..that's a long paragraph! hahaz...Anyway..we've played bb in the morning!! hahaz...nice play today, though there's still mistake, at least i found myself la. - the serious mode + enjoying myself play!
Ok, someone on the phone just told me "no need to type that long" okok..i'm ending here!! Till then! ;)
Actually, it's rather boring la, except that i can be with my maternal cousins. He's botak! cute/handsome! He's more "man" now, with all those dragon boat-trained muscles! He's damn, woah! He even wore formally. Hahaz...pretty girls, want his contact no.? Get from me! =D
Hmmm...boring it may be, but the food's good. Except for the baby abalone. I swear i'm not going to touch baby abalone anymore. I'm traumatised by it. It's so ewl, and it's so expensive - not worth it!
Anyway, YESTERDAY'S CIP WAS GREAT!!! WAHAHAHAZ!!! =D It's rather fun to play with kids! hehez... compared to the previous cip, which is dull, we played with the 7-12 YO children!!
It's a holiday adventure of Narnia! It's organised by the Life Church, if i'm not wrong, it's a branch under "focus on the family ltd." They've already had one such event in Orchard b4.
We played cute games that got to do with Narnia. I'm sure my group members did had fun with ourselves. Tiring it was, fruitful it is! =) We are supposed to complete for another 6 hours only, but we did much more than that without any complains or grumble! My group members definitely had as much fun as I did! =D
It's held in Bishan CC. A group of 8. Farhan, Jacob, Allan, Kit Ping, Joyce, Hui Ping and Hana(Farhan's friend). We managed to some lead the team of children and some facilitates the game section. It troublesome to manage the kids somehow, i don't know how to entertain them with, Narnia? hahaz... But it also amusing to see how they answer questions, how they react how they play...SO CUTE!!! kekex...
Oh yah, i also get to know this girl, she's my group's facilitator. hahaz..not bad lehz! (wasted, should've asked for her number! la la la...) kekex...i don't know why, but girls who does voluntary work are respectable and (gentle) Oopx! Hehez...she's kind and helpful, friendly too! So girl(s), get what i mean? hehez..=P!!!
After that... we cleared up the whole mess and woahz...there's loads of balloon laying around on the floor. I managed to burst some, and then the organisers told us to bring some to Junction 8. There's a stall there too, so they thought they might need the balloons. SO...the 8 of us, holding so many balloons, walked from Bishan CC to Junction 8. Man, we looked like clowns distributing balloons in shopping centre. SOme kids approached us too! hahaz... WOrsE case ScenArio! They didn't need the balloons anymore, so~ they told us to get rid of them with few conditions - No giving them out at their sight (they paid for those quality, narnia-printed balloons). no bursting of it there since we've reached the shopping centre - people might think it's explosion. Meh, that's really a challenge. Obviously we can't bring that bunch of balloons from bishan to Pasir ris, tampines, eunos and Yishun. We can't burst it at that area too, it's public. We struggled on ways to get rid of those balloon safe, silent and out of sight! FINALLY, we came to a stairs at the interchange and release all the air by biting it. Yes, biting the dirty and possible poisonous balloon to release the air. The balloon leftovers are thrown in a nearby rubbish bin! =)
Wow..that's a long paragraph! hahaz...Anyway..we've played bb in the morning!! hahaz...nice play today, though there's still mistake, at least i found myself la. - the serious mode + enjoying myself play!
Ok, someone on the phone just told me "no need to type that long" okok..i'm ending here!! Till then! ;)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Director's award
CONGRATULATIONS! To Firdaus!! hahaz..finally, my name can be striked off from all those stupid bragging by principal and teachers about me having the Directors' award. Yes it is prestigious, but need you repeat it so often?'s not that difficult to get the award anyway! =P! Ms Tan made a so good choice! hahaz...i thought it'll be Ayuni or Anna...struggling...there can only be one! Fortunately miss Tan didn't miss Firdaus out! hahaz... ... He deserves that title! Hopefully Firdaus can carry on our business! I'm sure he can do it! ;)
Actually, i didn't understand what's so good with all these awards? Is it for the sake of myself or the school? DOes it benefit me that much? It might, but not yet. I don't see people dying for these awards when it can only belongs to one! Fortunately my batch was open enough, if not i'll have difficulties contacting with them (you know, the jealousy kind of things.) I sincerely hope nothing of that stupid shit will happen to Firdaus! hahaz..Miss tan was worried that Ayuni and Anna will be unhappy. In fact when Firdaus knew he got it, he didn't dare to tell the double A's. He was so enthusiastic to tell them and share his joy to them, because he was a true friend. On the other hand, he backed that idea out, worried that they'll dislike him, also because he's a true friend. To relieve his excitement, he even called me! cute! I'm starting to admire him already, after some words Ms tan have told me. Ayuni was great, Anna was powerful, but Firdaus' passions won them. Not sure if they knew about this but Miss Tan explained this to me. AGENCIES!!
Hahaz...poor me and Farhan (the only 2 males in our group.) We were given cold shoulders when approaching staffs. Can't you guys just treat us like Customers? No wonder your business are that bad! hhehez...eViLz~! And...really, next time you have a project on travel agencies... please consider before choosing an agent. It might be popular, know, when there's fame, there's shame! =P
*P.S: a man pee a total of 36! days in our whole lifetime (lifetime meaning, until the average death rate in the world) and 40 for women (because they live longer.)! Ms Tan made a so good choice! hahaz...i thought it'll be Ayuni or Anna...struggling...there can only be one! Fortunately miss Tan didn't miss Firdaus out! hahaz... ... He deserves that title! Hopefully Firdaus can carry on our business! I'm sure he can do it! ;)
Actually, i didn't understand what's so good with all these awards? Is it for the sake of myself or the school? DOes it benefit me that much? It might, but not yet. I don't see people dying for these awards when it can only belongs to one! Fortunately my batch was open enough, if not i'll have difficulties contacting with them (you know, the jealousy kind of things.) I sincerely hope nothing of that stupid shit will happen to Firdaus! hahaz..Miss tan was worried that Ayuni and Anna will be unhappy. In fact when Firdaus knew he got it, he didn't dare to tell the double A's. He was so enthusiastic to tell them and share his joy to them, because he was a true friend. On the other hand, he backed that idea out, worried that they'll dislike him, also because he's a true friend. To relieve his excitement, he even called me! cute! I'm starting to admire him already, after some words Ms tan have told me. Ayuni was great, Anna was powerful, but Firdaus' passions won them. Not sure if they knew about this but Miss Tan explained this to me. AGENCIES!!
Hahaz...poor me and Farhan (the only 2 males in our group.) We were given cold shoulders when approaching staffs. Can't you guys just treat us like Customers? No wonder your business are that bad! hhehez...eViLz~! And...really, next time you have a project on travel agencies... please consider before choosing an agent. It might be popular, know, when there's fame, there's shame! =P
*P.S: a man pee a total of 36! days in our whole lifetime (lifetime meaning, until the average death rate in the world) and 40 for women (because they live longer.)
Monday, June 19, 2006

Bandana for the first time! Kekex...working for Urban studio - notice the stupid red and swollen lips? =P

Shi ming and I in Asiacom's workshop!

Hehez...sweet right? (shhh...don't let ** see!! =P)


Destructive Trio!

Too tired, fell of the steps while sleeping...zzz...

Happy Fathers' day, grandma in action, Mum didn't want to be in photo!! hehez..=D Foo's forever!!
Sorry, just got back from Germany. The world cup was great. I managed to get one tix and made myself so sick. So, can i apply a Leave of absence for blog posting? =D
Yeahz...that's crapz. If only i was ever once crazy about world cup. (Euro cup was different 1 and a half years ago! =P) anyway... work was so highly piled ever since my e-learning week. It's meant for us to rest and do our work at home! However, i made myself stuck in camp. hahaz..i swear i was struggling to say whether i'm stupid or not! I wasted my time there. Not really able to complete my e-learning task during the camp. Worsestill, Janet (agent) called us up for work...i agreed. (who wouldn't) day after the camp, we went to seperate and assemble the stupid phones agaiN!! hahaz...It's Wei hong, Ye zhao, Darren and Shi ming(1 day) including me! We did...NOT have fun. Tell me if eating 7 days of chicken rice were ever 'heaven' to you? Hahaz..for once i thought it is...but, i was utterly disappointed when i was greeted by chicken rice once again yesterday. Two times in fact. Oopx, that's another story! To be talked about later.
Ok...i've worked hard (ye zhao, wei hong and darren as well) to earn ourselves some minor income! really really sucks to work there. Please, anybody! If i ask you to work there or me tell you that i'm going to work there hook or by crook..DISCOURAGE me at once! I don't want to have my lips turn red and swollen again! However, it's rather please to hear compliments about our work efficiency! Darren and I was definitely proud of it, right bro?
During the repetitive 'taking-out-and-putting-it-in' process, darren and i was also thinking of travelling around our lion city in hunt of good i mean! =D Hey, anybody interested in this quest? Call 9111 2659!! I know many are interested. However, Yun Ru is our honourable, who's going? Hey, where's the hands that were raised just now? hahaz... Just joking.'s around anyday next week! For more details, contact Darren!! Melvin also can! ;)
Yesterday was also fun to work...erm...for uRban studio if i'm not wrong? hahaz..Quite fun actually! I also got a new friend. Derrick. He's zach's present classmate. Looks fun and cool...nice to meet him anyway! Good impression made ;) Yes, about the chicken rice. My mum bought me a pack of chicken rice (agaiN) for my lunch. Man! Didn't I told her i had chicken rice for straight (7-1+1) days! To make things worse. For the dinner which urban studio provide. It's also chicken rice( again's again ). Wah liew!! sumore it looked so shitty!! I was really hungry and tired, only to be made worse by the thoughts of limited food i could choose to eat for the past week... i gave up! I made myself even more hungry.
However, it's still fun to work with us! know who the "us" is! =D
HAix...okok..enough of the fun and cool part. I'm beginning to hate myself. Basketball, it's ok la..I'm getting it on track steadily again. It's my academic problem. I don't know why but i seems to enjoy my holiday rather moodily (if there's ever such word). Project. The word of headache.
Yeahz...that's crapz. If only i was ever once crazy about world cup. (Euro cup was different 1 and a half years ago! =P) anyway... work was so highly piled ever since my e-learning week. It's meant for us to rest and do our work at home! However, i made myself stuck in camp. hahaz..i swear i was struggling to say whether i'm stupid or not! I wasted my time there. Not really able to complete my e-learning task during the camp. Worsestill, Janet (agent) called us up for work...i agreed. (who wouldn't) day after the camp, we went to seperate and assemble the stupid phones agaiN!! hahaz...It's Wei hong, Ye zhao, Darren and Shi ming(1 day) including me! We did...NOT have fun. Tell me if eating 7 days of chicken rice were ever 'heaven' to you? Hahaz..for once i thought it is...but, i was utterly disappointed when i was greeted by chicken rice once again yesterday. Two times in fact. Oopx, that's another story! To be talked about later.
Ok...i've worked hard (ye zhao, wei hong and darren as well) to earn ourselves some minor income! really really sucks to work there. Please, anybody! If i ask you to work there or me tell you that i'm going to work there hook or by crook..DISCOURAGE me at once! I don't want to have my lips turn red and swollen again! However, it's rather please to hear compliments about our work efficiency! Darren and I was definitely proud of it, right bro?
During the repetitive 'taking-out-and-putting-it-in' process, darren and i was also thinking of travelling around our lion city in hunt of good i mean! =D Hey, anybody interested in this quest? Call 9111 2659!! I know many are interested. However, Yun Ru is our honourable, who's going? Hey, where's the hands that were raised just now? hahaz... Just joking.'s around anyday next week! For more details, contact Darren!! Melvin also can! ;)
Yesterday was also fun to work...erm...for uRban studio if i'm not wrong? hahaz..Quite fun actually! I also got a new friend. Derrick. He's zach's present classmate. Looks fun and cool...nice to meet him anyway! Good impression made ;) Yes, about the chicken rice. My mum bought me a pack of chicken rice (agaiN) for my lunch. Man! Didn't I told her i had chicken rice for straight (7-1+1) days! To make things worse. For the dinner which urban studio provide. It's also chicken rice( again's again ). Wah liew!! sumore it looked so shitty!! I was really hungry and tired, only to be made worse by the thoughts of limited food i could choose to eat for the past week... i gave up! I made myself even more hungry.
However, it's still fun to work with us! know who the "us" is! =D
HAix...okok..enough of the fun and cool part. I'm beginning to hate myself. Basketball, it's ok la..I'm getting it on track steadily again. It's my academic problem. I don't know why but i seems to enjoy my holiday rather moodily (if there's ever such word). Project. The word of headache.
I am so F* up by this that I have to engross myself in sudoku(which i have difficulty finding.) I really need the beach so much. It's been long since i was last there. No wonder my temper haven't been improving much. Downfall in fact. Train passed by Dover yesterday, i was not happy at all. Zach made things worse by alerting me of the school. I wasn't angry at him, i was disappointed at my way of handling stuffs. I try to numb myself by working hard during the one-day job. I played like nobody business on the train (i've never done that). I sung out loud at night. I know some of you there might find me crazy for singing so loud yesterday. Today's no better. Father's day, i'm moody. Bugis, least i can take a little breather. Back home...haix...
I think i've decided. I'm going to the beach one of this day. Yes...i will see what i can do to get Melvin back on track! =D
I think i've decided. I'm going to the beach one of this day. Yes...i will see what i can do to get Melvin back on track! =D
Sunday, June 04, 2006
hahaz...guess what? i'm back!! after so long...kekex...
just came back from Sentosa...ewl! so hot, humid, crowdy, sandy, sticky and costly(3 bucks for NOthing!!) hahaz...the idea's just so bad~ however, the bands are still there for the annual balloon hat festival~ -_-''' well, they stayed under the sun long enough...let go of the balloons, cheered, received some awards for chosen schools and go home! what a way to fill up a saturday for them... if only they know projects and tests might be more impt! =P
saw some ppl back to siglap band and help. -_-''' haiyo...I looked at the members, do they even appreciate? i hope they do...cause, it might not be the case for some peepz in the band, right darren? the one who mumbled and..(giggles!!!) yalor...saw them in a group and like leaving those "some ppl" aside like think ho yin enjoyed his stay there..."interesting"...hahaz... i remembered it being more interesting as a get-together the previous time. We guys went together and had fun in Sentosa...but today was out of expectation, everyone was busy. I was actually busy too, but i managed to clear it....=)'s over...hehez... woah~ Just finished 2 written papers, got rather high for the 1st paper, but the PACC(P.O.A) paper seems...erm, ok...but i forgot the Narrative format for a balance sheet!! wasted!! If not, i'll expect another A liaoz...Melvin, Melvin...hopefully the marker accepts my answer...(coz, my answer's not wrong mah...just not in a format exactly as what the book drew/wrote) starting, but it's as good as not having...I'll have to complete my assignments online...haiyo. What more, we need to fill up cip hours with of course, voluntary work... Project's' for term 2 already started, and it's rather heavy to handle. Competition is drawing nearer, and CCA training is still on every tuesday and thursday...T.I.R.E.D!! hahaz...what to do...that's life!
played bb in homecourt today!! hahaz...missed the time playing there....hehez...not bad la, still can pass here and there to jeremy (passing skills not lost) however...i'm starting to lose my control over the ball already...i think i might just forget how to play bb one day... the ball's starting to get foreign to me. I don't know if it's a good news or bad. good because school's getting busy, don't play ball! On the other hand...i like playing bb, it's my pastime/hobby! argh... ....wait and see... ...
Hahaz..parent session today. Funny thing. I got this econs lecture who teaches a lecture room of over 100+ people. Then during tea reception, she came over and talked to my mum...and she asked for my class. She expected me to call her and hahaz...i didn't! Kekex...sort of like kenna teased by her...don't know if she's going to bring this up during pai seh!! "a boy from DAC/02 acted not knowing my on parent's day. I have to go forth and asked for his class, where are you boy! raise your hand...!! " hahaz...anyway, she's a funny and cool teacher! She likes pagani zonda! =D
yeapz...guys, a question...are gays really that... er...irritating? i've not met one, but...according to jer, it's rather bad!! Plus what we discussed during balloon hat festival..i'm still humoured by it..hahaz!! tag lehz..what are you guy's opinion on 'gays'? hahaz!!!
just came back from Sentosa...ewl! so hot, humid, crowdy, sandy, sticky and costly(3 bucks for NOthing!!) hahaz...the idea's just so bad~ however, the bands are still there for the annual balloon hat festival~ -_-''' well, they stayed under the sun long enough...let go of the balloons, cheered, received some awards for chosen schools and go home! what a way to fill up a saturday for them... if only they know projects and tests might be more impt! =P
saw some ppl back to siglap band and help. -_-''' haiyo...I looked at the members, do they even appreciate? i hope they do...cause, it might not be the case for some peepz in the band, right darren? the one who mumbled and..(giggles!!!) yalor...saw them in a group and like leaving those "some ppl" aside like think ho yin enjoyed his stay there..."interesting"...hahaz... i remembered it being more interesting as a get-together the previous time. We guys went together and had fun in Sentosa...but today was out of expectation, everyone was busy. I was actually busy too, but i managed to clear it....=)'s over...hehez... woah~ Just finished 2 written papers, got rather high for the 1st paper, but the PACC(P.O.A) paper seems...erm, ok...but i forgot the Narrative format for a balance sheet!! wasted!! If not, i'll expect another A liaoz...Melvin, Melvin...hopefully the marker accepts my answer...(coz, my answer's not wrong mah...just not in a format exactly as what the book drew/wrote) starting, but it's as good as not having...I'll have to complete my assignments online...haiyo. What more, we need to fill up cip hours with of course, voluntary work... Project's' for term 2 already started, and it's rather heavy to handle. Competition is drawing nearer, and CCA training is still on every tuesday and thursday...T.I.R.E.D!! hahaz...what to do...that's life!
played bb in homecourt today!! hahaz...missed the time playing there....hehez...not bad la, still can pass here and there to jeremy (passing skills not lost) however...i'm starting to lose my control over the ball already...i think i might just forget how to play bb one day... the ball's starting to get foreign to me. I don't know if it's a good news or bad. good because school's getting busy, don't play ball! On the other hand...i like playing bb, it's my pastime/hobby! argh... ....wait and see... ...
Hahaz..parent session today. Funny thing. I got this econs lecture who teaches a lecture room of over 100+ people. Then during tea reception, she came over and talked to my mum...and she asked for my class. She expected me to call her and hahaz...i didn't! Kekex...sort of like kenna teased by her...don't know if she's going to bring this up during pai seh!! "a boy from DAC/02 acted not knowing my on parent's day. I have to go forth and asked for his class, where are you boy! raise your hand...!! " hahaz...anyway, she's a funny and cool teacher! She likes pagani zonda! =D
yeapz...guys, a question...are gays really that... er...irritating? i've not met one, but...according to jer, it's rather bad!! Plus what we discussed during balloon hat festival..i'm still humoured by it..hahaz!! tag lehz..what are you guy's opinion on 'gays'? hahaz!!!
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