Monday, January 31, 2005

fiLe!?! where are You!?!

oH my god!?! can you believe it!?! i Lost My FILE!! arGh!! i want to Cry le la!! aLl my sch worksheets inside lei!! my file!! soBx sObx~

oH no!! talking bout' woRksheets...some assignments, tt ought to be pAssed up insiDe!!! oh my goD!! damN~ i'm gonnA get a piecE of mdm giLl's mind!! haiYoz...HOw unluCky~ die die die....i can see my deatHz~! especially Ms ng!!

haiz..let's trace back...pOssIbility of placeS where i could hAVe misplace it...mY home? i've ransacked my whole house this afternoon...but nO! sch? neh...under my desk is all bOoKz!! rc roOm? there isn't a single souL!, i to my assumptiOn, it would be..Bedok North cum Fengshan cc!! haiz...after tt trip, i seems to have 'un-notice' my file...oMg!! pOor file~'s over...face the Music!! =P timE to cheer up and 'mian dui shi si!'...complaiNiNg won't help to turn my files back yea? keKEx...2 more days to my day!! muahAHahz...nC 16 shows are nothing to me now!! muAhahaz~ shoUld be all? i'm stiLl wondering whether i can survive wednesday? i'm imaginine birthday bash? omg...hope tt don't haPpen to me!! hahaz...just pray..pray pray!!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

-FriEnDz? , maybe not...-

hMmM...beEn very moodlEss these days...and, goOD enough, i finally fouNd out one thing about 'Life', humAn's life...and, my first part... -Friends-

Friends, according to everybOdy, is a people that you need...without them, you'll suffer~ true? one way or another..i agree..but, these days bring senses to me...i somehow thinks tt...yar, it's'll suffer without them,'ll suffer as well with them...

"a friend in need, is a friend indeed", well said...i finalLy see the meaning of this phrase, they require fullesT attention, and cater to their matTer what circumstances...and you, as friend, should help them solve their problems, listen to them and help! However, when your turn comes...they'll be happily whistling to their celebration, and what's you? their party masks? decorate their faces and putting on a smiling face together with them, even though it's not from your heart? (tt's why they don't want you sad, cause you make them look sad..) okok..afterall, i shall sum up... "they demand your thoughtful food, and enjoy their sumptous...putting you to hunger, clearing up the plates..."

I just hate thiS...i'm really thankful for these days, which helped me searched out the real identities of 'some peoPle'...I'm utterly disgusted and disappointed in them...and, for myself..i regretted...but, nvm...fnf...what can i do? I chose my own route...

I totally deSpIse pPl who says about others, when they are themselves the one who they were drawing as..."the pot, calling the kettle black" they can describe all thEY want, even to junks...but never do they reAlise...they're worst! i've seEn through ppl...i don't want to mention names...just take note ppl...i may be one, but at least...i know i can change, and..i would constantly remind myself about tt!!

hAIz..what has the world come to? backstabbers? haiz....really feel pointless in living, research still tells "only human brains can think about benevolence"...yah...united in front and stabbing at the back, worse than a fox....even a crow can repay their parents...what are human!?!

hMM...nvm, i think i have enough...stilL, i'm glad to have some real/true friends who aren't the failures i'm describing as...really fortunate to have them..and feeling kinda guilty to have left them out last time? haix...don't worry...i realised my darkness...i'm searching for a way out now...please forgive me kay? really..i promise!

hehez...enoUgh of alL those sickening stuFf la...hahaz...cest la vie was great so many opportunities to look at *!! hehez..muAHahahaz!! so happy these few days (excluding things tt deal with my so-called friends) hehez...time to cheer up! coz, i've found out real and happy stuff!! hehez...cya can see my smiles back again on moNday!! no more frown from me, Darren!! i promise!! hehez... :-) thank You for everythiNg manz!! you rawkZ!!

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Siglap BasketbALl matCH~

HmMMm, Thursday and Yesterday was Siglap last 2 crucial, i went to watch lor...hehez, is at Feng Shan cc la...quite 'interesting' maNz...hehez, will tell ya~

okaYz lar, basically...othEr than bAsketbalL match..there's another thiNg which is 'fights'! For Thurs the Most shuAi wan!! hahaz...Gordon's brother's gang / Friends was even called down to help seh..wah~ sO shuai!!! Got teens there wantEs to find troubLe wiTh the eNd, scared like fArnI!! coz...gordon's side wan hor...wah, more 'gentleman-looking' lor...more big-sized, and one more...MOre older/matured! They all hoR, costume more 'formal' lor...evEn the way they talked hor..wah, scare the teens sia!! noW i noe the real diff between real gaNgster and 'act' gangster~
anOther wan is on fri, yEsterday~ hahaz..NIcholas (our 'centre') had a problem with opponent no.9, hahaz...when shaking hands tt time hor, he go push him down leiz~ wah the 'daring'...i pity that no. 9...hahaz...hafta fall in front of so many lian ke lian~'s all abt matches~ and..yar, one more thing...yesterday is the day my china relatives return their country~ wah...their flight is today morn, 0400 lor..wah lao...went airport at 11+...siao riTEz? kekex..went to slp at the viewing gallery (the playground) ..and did you noe? i wasn't the only 1 slping others there..hEhez! then..wah, vEry cold inside~ unTIll 2 + then wake tired! but nvm...good experience though (slping in a public place)

hahaz..few more hours to cest la vie...and can you believe it? someone farni!! =P timE cannot slp so much mah!! hehez...Bleahz~ =P nvm least it wasn't that Badz~ hahAz... :D

hMmm..that's all lor, later meeting oNe Big ganG to go nanyAng poly..i can't wait i can't wait!!'s all~ SiGning oFF!!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Nan Feng??

muAHahz...'Nan feng'...guess what? ex-huo lings had become nan feng now....HuO linG is back!! however...not everybody is lor...anw, training's on every sunday...5pm like tt...yAy!! bb agaiN!! sis had been occupying com these few days..finally i can used it today..pHew!! but, still...also not for long...why WHY!?! i hate her!! (sometimes), another day for cest la vie' rehearsal..haha, almost half the class not, teacher didn't teach much loRz~ grh..talking abt tt...I hAte busEs!! thEY blocked viewS! i hate tt bus!! i remembEred vivdly!! it was the bus tt brOught thE bb players!! (the one i later tooK!!) i hate the bus!!! why must tt bus just stupid reverse at tt moment!!?! arGhz!! i already so miserable already lor...wanna cry liao la!! sTupid bus! hMph!!

hahaz...hafta help meng write 'summary' jia lat~ everYtime treathen me!! not fAir!! watch out man hiM!! "haO xin mei hao bAo!" hehez...

hehEz...todAy went to waTch bb match...though lost, but experience earned...neaRly fight lehz!! wah...2 gangs called dwn..make us so worried! hahaz...wanna knOw more abt it? approach me kayZ?'s abt all! ;P

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

pRobleMatic RemediAls!!

muAHahaz...i'M back..sorRY for not bloggIn...too bUsy i guess!! yALor...real sec 4 work coming then i realise the true sec 4? exactly..all day worK! Lucky, i know how to handle them..i'm very sure some of my clasSmates cannot handle liao...hMmm..must go help theM le!! ke lian, these few days cannot use the com!! (another reason why cannot update!) my stupID sis's project...hafta take up so many days..and all need pc wan...fiSH! however, stubboRn me still sneak up and use the com when she's not arounD!! hehez...eViLz~

hAIyo..hmwk's pilIng up and up!! hMmm...this add on to the reason(not blogging)...wah, lucky today abit freE! hehez...phEW..gonna online overnite again..dn carEz!! =P

gRH! sTupiD dragon dance...alL pang seh us!! last minute cancel, then didn't tell beforEhand..make me wait for nth lor!! stuPIdz!! hehez..but, nvm..fnf...they may be busy oso mah, ritez? cannot anyhow guai ren jia de mah? haiz..hafta wait for nxt training lor...(abit short of time for those neWbies i think..HOw!?!)

hehez...also nvm la, no training rite, can go up peek at the upcoming concert's rehearsal..hehez..nice timinG!! kekez...although stilL having troubles with all those stupid remedial stufF...but, go up there...all calm down le....i'ver straighten my thoughts then!! for top 10!! i'm going to just pia all by myself!! i'm gonna study muaiself...-no teachers!!- =P!!

wah..these few days are just sO great!! however..when stucked in that class..i'm so miserable!! argHz!! no freedom!! i just can''s life anyway....oh yah..btw, i think i go back run better lar hor? any feedback ppl? Ismail and syafi wants to go back and run, why not join them yea? Mrs khiu shouldn't mind i think...councillor duty is boring point, rather go do some 'refreshments' in the morn rite? anw..i'll be jogging only on tues and thurs...okayz? make sure you all noe where to find me arh? =D's all ppLz!!

-So dEliGhteDz!!- =P

Sunday, January 23, 2005

yeApz..tHOse tt stayed over at my house...(except the green t-shirt wan... -my lao pa-, and the black polo..ME!!) Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 22, 2005


hmmMmz..nothIng to do, china relatives stilL at my home...hoWevEr, i have difficulty communicating..i feeL very isn't me!! hahaz....dnnoe why~ but, at least i try to talk to them la hor? hehez...not too bAdz...

oh yEs! In the morning...we played bb agaiN! we = Zachy, Xiao Ye, Clarence and me! 4 of us...just nice for 2 on 2 yea? jer's ball with!! hahaz..den later on, played a 5 on 5 full-court...sounds interesting..but, we lost by 1 pts...shldn't have toO playful le la..sorRy zach!!

yeapz..erm...after tt, went home...jiu slP!! hahaz...toO tired here run there....haiz...haven't start my hmwk yet wor..gonna resume tmr!! if not, i'm gonna turn lazy any timeZ!! den...yeap, abt evening like tt..went to Parkway parade, as told by my mum, to follow the's already 8+ when we reached, almost did nth! wah..i just love the song man!! it sounded so nice!! everytime go out, or at home..sure must listen to this song de...hehez...for your info, this song is the same one tt i mentioned just sounds so nice! =D

hMMm..yalor...quite "nth to do" until the night "exciting" ppl won't understand..coz, i myself don't as well...hehez..=D yeapz...anw...msg for brian and darren..cheer up kaYz? when you ppl looks down, i'm ain't happy as well more!! cya!

-2nd part-
mUAhahahz!! thE best MorNing i've ever haD!! something to be memoRabLe, like the flower that won't forget to bloom, the sUn that won't forget to rise and me that always kEep this in mind!! hehez...

*For once, i'm the most fortunate man on EARTH!!*

Friday, January 21, 2005

Harnessing Youth Thingy~

hmmmmz...yeap, early in the morn, didn't go schOolz...was brought to Ngee Ann Polytechnic early in the morning...together with a small bus chartered by the schooL...unFotunately, the cd came out with prob!! we were supposed to reach N.P at 9am..we left at 8.28!! hahaz....and, yeap...latez! However, despite our lateness, nth really happened to us, except that our booth was decorated's all~

wahz...first thing when reached there proposal presentation...hafta prepare le...kaoz...nErvouS until like shit! but pheW!! i got my mp3 with me...hehez..."From this moment life has begun, From this moment you are the one, Right beside you is where I belong.." muahahAz...yeap, anw...during the dialogue, well...the judges were impressed with Brian's speech! WelL doNe BriAN!! yoU rAwkz!! yeap, he commented on his presentation... welL, at first, i think one of the judge had bad impression on me leiz...he was staring at me, maybe he think i stood there for nothing... hahaz..lucky he realise my role as the 'answerer' for the Q and A session...pHewz..and...yeapz! we finished it in a jiffy (though we overshot our time limit~)

hahaz...welL, everything went on well during the whole comp~ we emerged the best Enterprise award...the champ lei!! hahaz...600 bucks for us..but sian...for all of us, not each of us!! grh..and the guest of honour say mz imply on real!?! hahaz...easier said than done...

yeapz...after tt, went to play Bb witH old partner...Jeremy at P.A..welL!! my fav all-time court! hehez....enjoyed myself...coz, i've settled sth!! =D's all!! yAY!! so happY!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

FeeLing down...and...hAppy? argh~

nEhz..not realLy good today, almost the whole day...don't know why!! it's like first wake up..You can't think bright!! and...for your info, i overslept!....1st thing when reached school...force mysElf to smile...force you know!?! my smile was supposed to be 'auto' wan kaYz!!...but, nvm...if not, many friends would be affected...cannot like this...must smile~!

yeapz...first period, P.E...which i thought was suppose to cheer me up abit..but no! the class wasn't, just...didn't help me...

but, lucky...recess's the best! no boOk, no studies, half an hour of my tiME!

aftEr that...back to lesson...i just can't concentrate? don't know what was holding me back? but, i strongly think that, is the competition we're gonna have cross...haiz...dnnoe how to cope...

well, sch cross..i can turn to the original me...i wasn't smiling at all when i first enter the room..even in the meeting...was greeted nth but a fan that came flying towards me! for god sake...i already wasn't feeling good, and tt kwee yong had to throw a fan at me...for...FUN!?! omg...i was so pissEd off..i did reply in a...not-so-nice manner (loud)...but...well...i did managed to calmed myself dwn! that what i always do? yea...conclude...not even a smile..until? hehez...well...that's another case le...walk halfway...see * walk past...phew! p.o.x all come baq's my first 'sincere' smile for the day! really glad to see her smile as well!! hehez... =P

Red cross time...nopEz, nothing unusual...just the usual me....doing nth~ but...thinking... :S yeahz...thinking abt...why am i feeling this way? not for long....10 mins later...den i'm off to my duty for the Video...went imac rm to help-out with Brian...

yeahz...saw brian, frien 1st and..."HI briAN!!!"...yeah...he replied in a moody way..."hi..." yeapz...and i can see...another mooDy guy...same as me! but, i cannot add on mah..rite? he already so down le, i cannot make him worse to see the ...not-so-good me ritez? and...yeah, usual job...cheered him up? ..i did...but, not a good job...coz..i wasn't as good myself~

after tt...all the way until 10+pm...was with mdm leow, brian, darren and sch at first and elias mall mac to finish our touch-up for tiRed!! we all had idea on tmr's competition le...but, serious confident in winning anything~none! bian...already halfway's y i say, it must be this tt's making me really upset! hMph!!

hahaz...i still think, my later nite are the best!! hehez... ...cannot say why...but, i just love my nite-time!! hehez...*thanKz for talking*...and because of tt...i'm back to normal me!! cheer up kayz? i can't when you aren't as well~

yeApz!! tt's all ppL!! won't be seeing you ppl in sch tmr kayz...gonna set-off early in the morn! hafta reach ngee ann poly at 9.45 am, and ..the bus journey is an hour+, so...hafta go early this....gonna hate tmr man!!! nvm...used to it le...hahaz...cya guys!! must support arh!

Monday, January 17, 2005

harnEssiNg yOUth...bla bla bla~

hmMm...anoTher meetiNg on the HarnEsSing Youth ProgRAmme..argH!! i don't see the conclusion yetz!! hOW!?! die die...nvm..we'll do it!! =D den..meeting starts at 4.00..hafta go rc rM to waste tiMe...

go rc rm do whaT? hahaz...nth much lor, tidy the room, scold the boys and...drink milo? hahaz... i didn't noe hot chocolate taste so greAt! yuM yUmz! hahaz...denz...alot of things hapPen la..stupid ah meng they alL lor...always makiNg me so pai seh....he'll get it frm me!! hehez....=P

yeapz...nth much, jarell's birthday, and as usual, the birthdAy bash...haha..wilSon injured hiMself whIle whacking...dEep cut indeed...sad for him~ so, moral of story? don't whack ppl toO hard...hehez...=P

wah..the meetiNg for the LOng!! dnnoe what to do arh..going to slp anyTime manz! hahaz...buddEn, must concentrate...coz..deadline's reaching...argh!!

den..what, we i have another 3 brOthErs le!! the long-time already wanz..Ah di, got 3 more...Darren, 2nd oldest, brian den yi song...i da ge leiz...hehez...poWer hoR? but..shld had thought of tt earlier manz...=P wah...but, i dn mind...i love this gang of friends! nope..not friend..bruDders! hehez... ;P so gooDz! see * soOoo many times lehz..hehez...foRtunAte!! but, sianz..kenna ji xiao by tt stupid meng they all more...argH!! lian de Melvin...but nvm~ FnF!!'s alL!!

Sunday, January 16, 2005

clAss bbQ!!

welL!! 15th jan~ yeapz....we have oUR clAss bBQ!! haha...$$ from where? none other than our oWn reward from the bEzt clAss awarDz...=P well....we sure have lotsa fuNz!! games...bbq..haha..and my fav! the beach!! was helD at pAsir ris park...Pit E, beside the HolidAy flat...hehez...P.A is there, as usual...the bb couRt!! My fav. court leh..sure wun give it a miSs de mah! =D...budDen xiao ye scoLD me...say bbq cannot play ball...hAIyo...nvm de mah..oso not very Long...heheZ...tempTatioN mahz~

yeapZ...had gAMes like murderer and h2O, first time the clasS have so mucH fun outside!! i think, we're closEr!! hehez...though close enougH liao..but..More clOser!! =P

hmMMm...beach windY...everytime go the 'same feeling' wanz...something's misSing!! hMmm...nvm de...can get it elsewhere...heheZ....but, still will feEl very 'nan shou' de la...den..luckY...reach home...* was online!! but shit!! i can't stay!! my stupid sis!! hate her!! she sae i was distuRbing the whole house..den my mUm woke up...give me a piece of her mind choice...offlIne...shit!! i dn care!!i'm gonna stay overnite tonite!! hehez...

buT, yesT morn stiLl ok the hAppY..can see * go training mah...den got cest la vie''s abt alL for ytd lor...cya peEPz!!

Friday, January 14, 2005

hMmmm..cAMpfiRe!! + FarewElL~

hAHahazZ!! toDAy is sEc 1's oRientATion last day, the Campfire! hahaz...wEll, i'm helpIng out witH the stAtus Of "U.G"

weLl, tooK care of Sec 1n1! They'Re indeed SporTIng man~ luCky i gOt thiS class, not like Sianz waN~ =D den, duRing their dinNer tt time..Mr kevin Kao kept shOutinG shoUTing..unTil face so red...ppl kenna scold liao, very scared..i still can hide somewhere and laugh...eVilz!! hahAz =P yahoR...den after tt is duRIng the nite itsElf....campfire SOngs ALl the wAyz!! hahaz..enjoYZ!! *went crazy*

hmMm...forget to mentioN abOut things b4 the CAmpfIRe itself~ well...was haVing bio 30 mins make-up lesson...very fast, den hafta go home change into campfire -attire, b4 2.30...den.....yalor..luckY made it in timez~
HaiZ..DuRIng lesson tt time hor, alvIn and nAomi...halfway call us go..and even lie to the Coach Tt we hafta go disappOinted in him! den somemoRe...after tt...going to celebrate Ms chan's farewell...the boys!! *this make me SOOO madz!!* they're are all So crazy abt thE pIzZa more abt miss chan's last day!! WTH!! make me vEry disAppointed...16 yr old guys behave like 3 yrs old kids...haiz...nvm, enough!! angry angry~

bUt you All must be i enjoyed the campFire despite my 'black-face' today?? hehez...lemme share with thanx to the double bonus!! hahaz!! so hAPPY!! to * twice leh!! face-to-face!! alone, in sch while walking lehz!! 'an xin'...coz i so long diN tok to her liAoz!! =P ...shE appearEd bOth time at just the riGht moment!! hahaz...she realLy calmed me dwn alot lor...LOTZ!! so happY! den..after tt....i jiu get back my fav. smile again lor!! hahaz..FnF!! i'm sure the boys "that was facing my black mood beforehand", must have beEn confusing abt my sudDen up mood rite? it was!!

welL...another one last major thing...i repeat again..our beloved miSs Grace transferring to Bedok North sec i think..haiz...we'Ll miSs You miSs chAN!! and...thanX for YOur guidance siNce....the first time we met!! we'll do you proud in the S.V.A this year (though we know we're losing last yr)..nvm..we wiLl!! you must stay happy kayz!! cheeRIosZ!! dn forget this bunch of MoNkeYz!! :D
thAt's alL foLkz...cya Guys!!

Thursday, January 13, 2005

MiSerable + HorRible + TerRible! = Me todayZ!

wAh..tiRed tired!! hAVe not bEen slpIng welL manz~ haiyO....yesterday till toDAy morn is the MOst mIserabLe waNZ!! hAIyoz~!! but, after tt is...hEhehEz~

let'S start fRM yest...oh yah!! yest, morn...first 2 period jiu P.E le...wah, haven't warm-up jiu run...siaNz...i 'dEpRoved' le!?! 7.45!?! omG!! how hOW?!? i was setting 7.30mins leh!! grh...15 mins extra...nxt round must know what to do le!! hahaz...budden..TiReDZ!! loNg time nEver train pHysiCal liaoz~ haiYoZ!! and..another thing...wah, i din noe 'they're' around untiL when P.E ends leH!?! kAOz...i'm 'pai sEH' lor...the shorts are so ShorT!! haiYo..mei lian jian ren la!! hahaz~ =D

HmmM...aftEr that was GeoG a.k.a my HyPNosiS lessoN! grh...just can't ForcE my eyeS opeN!! grh...cannot concentratE lehz!! must Do Sth nxt time...if not, will misS out lesson wAnz!!
tHen, jiu ccA day Lor...hMmm..i din noE kweE yoNg changEd sooO much!?! ahaz...oh yah, on weD is Cest la vie rehearsal leh!! wanna go watch!!! but...haiz...stupId activities..tied up liAoz~ haiz...wAsTeDz!! nvm....nxt timE lor...

den, no more, until today...another 'theory-day'...wah, mR kek take 3 classes at one leiz~ den, after recess jiu strAight away go A.V.A, not badz, can study better (i hope)..hahaz...i just like Thurs!! den can go ava every wk...hehez...(3rd storey lehz...) =P!!

hMmM...after tt is..ngee Ann poly the busiNesS thingy meetIng..wah!! so zhUN!! someone's there leh!! So so So so relIeved!! hahaz..after 1 and a half day!! hahAz!! la la la..sorRy, abit crazy...=P then..hafta stay in sch till so late...wah, we're the last student to get out of sch tired! and one more thing, i dn really have confidence we will stand out frm othEr sch lehz...hoW!?! haiz...nvm...will think of sth dE!! hMph! and..tmr's fri!! campfiRe lehz..hoPe *'s there...hehez...hoPe only la...=P, shld Be alL!! cya guys!! dn forget tmr's enrichment class!

*P.S: "Fuzzy wazzy likes Cheese, but not milk..why?
Fuzzy Wazzy likes Afternoon, but not morning....why!?!
Fuzzy Wazzy likes Green, but not blue...Whyz!?!?!?!"
tell me when you solve this...hehez....=D

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


whAt should i sAy~ today is, not as 'interesting?' yeapz...moRe of a Theory-day~! hahaz, this means...all day long, theory theory theory~ nth buT siANzation~! herE it goEs...

wEllz, morning, as usual, the 'morning basis' i nAme it, staying under the blOck and wait...den off We go...reAch schoOl, go class, take sth den go red crosS rm locker remember? yeapz, go withdraw mY p.O.a bKz~ thICk + heavY + pOintlesS! tt's why, an ideal bk to be leFt in sCH! hahaz..den after that this lO, go back class, memorize the chinese pOem(needed for chi lesson later) den...go do duty!'s the worst duty i've ever had..I want back-gAte!!

Then, all lessons aftEr that, no movement, no nothiNg, just stay in the clAss and...studY~ but,'s ok, not as iF this is first? =P and bad news...practical tmr~ i just don't feel right...hmMm...*bad feeling* nvm, worst come to worst, break an apparatus? hahaz...let's just hope not!

SchooL ended! immediately hafta rush to foyer, take the bus and oFf we go to Ngee Ann PolY (dream sCh!) we'lL hafta attend a workshOp, and's interesting...though 'theory' again..but stiLl, must think bright side! "i'm leaRning someThing todaY!!" =P HOweveR, stiLl worRIed...this competition, have not do anytHIng yet? we only went to the celebral palsy centre, and no more? how are we gonna make it by next ThurS!?! *kinda impossible* well, don't know good or bad, we're not attending class (again!) on next ThURsday, hafta go Ngee Ann poly early in thE morn to set up bOoth? yar, lemme explain abit's a presentation thing that we have to come out with...thE ngeE ann poLy organised it, the theme name is..."harnessing youth sth sth " wanz... Bad neWs, there's so mANy otheR toP schools participating...and i doN't see anY cracks of lIght tt we'll succeed..!! hahaz...oh yah, must go support (if possible!), it'll be held at Ngee Ann poly block 1 i think....den, frm 9 - 4.30...if you're goiNg...pleASe bring LOTSA 20 cents coins!!'ll noe what i mean~

dEN, no more AlreADy lor...oh yah!! ConteNted aboUt something!! hahaz..somEonE is usIng the "FnF" spirit leh!! happy!! goOD gooDz!! =D's all lor!!cya!

Monday, January 10, 2005

Celebral Palsy Centre... went to the C.P centre...yeapz, for the research on our competition in Ngee Ann's really saddening (if there's such word) to see them sufFering froM this incurable stuff... they'll have to live their entire life like until...who noes? you get what i mean...some have difficulties walking, some can really feel the sadness that filled the entire school~ They may lOok very scary, due to the way they behave, however...they are still as harmless as anyone can be! so people, if you ever come across with this spastic children, please don't leave them out kayz? but still, i find them fortunate in a way that, they do not know what's upset. They'll just come to the school and enjoy themselves, learn new things, without the need to worry much about their future...they'll just do things they like, and there's no reason why they should feel sad about eh? apOlogies...toO much on tHe celebral palsy eh? sorRy abt tt...well, basically, today's just lesson and...trip to celebral palsy centre? True enough, the lessons were stiLl as know, and lucky the 'candyman' is beside me!! thankx darrEn! should take a loOk at the a-maths note he wanted to photocopy for 'someone''s so...beautifully decorated..nono, more of..'filled up' hahaz...very cute la, his drawing... (Darren -> 'Ai chEoKong'... 'AI chEOkOng'~) hAHahaz!! den after sch, go meet mdm leow in the foyer, den took her car to the centre - Nissan sunny, so she have to drive 2 trips (too small) - then stayed there till 4.30, where the celebral palsy sch ends as well!
yar, den come the same car's about 5 something, we alighted in foyer ma..wah!!! then i...erm...nvm, dn sae...hehe..secretz! =P soOn, we go up Com lab, according to darren we have a meeting with ms chan...bad news, she's more abt it next time, look for me if you need details abt miSs chan kayz?'s all...cya everyone!

Sunday, January 09, 2005


Yo~ boring, nth to do...but, at least there's sth! hahaz....
it goEs with morning, played bB with xiao ye, kwee yong and alvin... wah, today alvin no form, so..i oso no much mood to play as well, but...anyway...we oso din play for long...coz..i hafta rush!! hahaz!!
wAh lao..the pHone rang so soft..make me late!! was suppose to go off at 8.45..well..i only started taking the bus at 9.23...wah lao...sure-late de la...den somemore is slow...but stiLl, i did reach the place...and pHew, the ceremony haven't start...
oH yah, haven't explain where i was going...just to take a lOok at the ScholarshIp awards ceremony lor...hehez...shafique's there~ hahaZ...he go up the stage oso no smile de...come dwn oso....-standard-...hahaz..i was hiding at the back of the no one saw me...lucky was air-conditioned...i was so warm then! hehez...;p
hMM...after tt....come home...jiu...go online lor...see no-one, so decide to 'appear offline', the status...den...until * come lor...hahAz...evilz~ hehe...nth to do mah...but, luckily, i was able to complete my revision for tmr...pHewz!
wah seh...feeling so relieved...i finally let it all out! it had been inside me for sooOOooooo long...i'm really feeling way better now! hahaz...well..i'd nv beeN so nervoUS matter what, i respect ppl's choice k!! remember...make sure you make decisions wisely and honest to yourself kz! hehez...
wah, rushed baq frm whitesands le..den, jer call me go plAY bb again..yay!! it's been sooOO long ever since i played with cya guys!! tataZ~!

So cuTez!! I'm not gonna change my display pix anyMorez!! hehez... =P coz..this is ME! Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 08, 2005


hMmMmMz, early in da morn...overslept again...hahaz, but lucky alvin called to ask my grandma to wake me up, and i'm in time!!
hAHaHz..i think i'm gonna have a pHobiA to ban's hse again...wah dnNOe walked foR how lOng to find his apartment, just to get alvin's shoe...wah lao!!! so jiA lat lor!!i still wear jeans...(keep dropping down, so annoying) hahaz..den, very hot lor, lucky din wear black~!! PhEwZ~ den finallY, lucky i still remember sOme lAndmarks..den yeah~ we ReACH!! hahaz...
den, after tt...take bus out change to 147, den straight to Bugis (si. ma. lu.)...wah, alvin introduce one so-called vegetarian restaurant...their food, really really very nice leh!! feel like going back to eat!! ...yummY!! hahaz...somemore only spent $ make me full until now kaYz!! so nice!! nxt time, if possible, mz brg * go eat le...hehe... den, yar, b4 tt...i did went to pray first, at guang yin tang...where there is a big 10 hands Guan Yin (godess of mercy) statue....well, as usual, prayed for my mum, dad, sis, grandma, aunt, zhi yong, me and of course not forgetting *...i prayed that she'll be...haha, cannot say, if not jiu 'bu ling' le...(not effective in chinese...)
hehEz...den, after tt went shoppIng...shOp until we drop...we oso purchases zy's bag le...quite coOl leh tt bag, bt not to my interest so far lehz...stiLl looking for mine! den..go OG, and yeap..i found out some thing to do le..there's some sort of mini-size car models...i tink, i'm gonna start collecting it..hAHa!!tt's gonna be my hoBbY!! hehez...but, dnnoe when to start buying...haha..will kp you ppl updated on tt kayz~
yar....den, nth interesting le...went home alone usual, listen mp3 and looking at the 'sth'..until bus 81 reach my home....
waH lao...reach hm liao, see wad my mum did, i all the way no mood le...den...quarrel lor...she made me so mad...but, cannOT!! she's my mum!! i can't!! so...i just gave her a cold shoulder...she kept scolding me...i choose not to talk, i just breathe!! but, not effective..well...i jz went out, took my bike...and cycled to the beach for some breather...i din even take my hp with me...i was sooOO mad just now! yar...lucky, it calmed me dwn...very fast! and...yeah, my bicycle key is linked to wallet! hehez..i brought it with me...yeaPz...thinking of * all the way..she really make me smile! serIous! after 1 hr... decide to go back, and yeap..i did apologize to my mum for quarreling with her....haiz...i felt so guilty..i shldn't have in the first place....
P.S: by the way, if you dnnoe why we quarrel, you can ask me nxt time? yeaz...

okAyz...yeap, after tt...i straight come online matter wad! hahaz..coz..i miss * until cannot miss liaoz...hahaz...den, only see her sis online...nvm..just wait..and yea!! good...can tok to her, is her change my day from dark to light again!! hahaz..amazing hor? yar...this is it!! okayz...i'm just gonna stop here...tmr still got bb training in bronto at 7.30..wah, very filled hor my days... bian..anw, quite long le..better brake...Bye guYs!!

Sec 1 orientation - end (part 1)

MUahAHAZ...FRIDAY!! eNd of thE weEk!! shuAng, well...din go sch..i mean, lessons since morn...why? because go sec 1 orientation!! fun 'walking'!! but, nope...came baq tt time, was in mdm nasyita's car..shiok sia...6 squeeze in mdm nasyita's hyundai essence, you noe how small ish tt car? hahaz...farnie Horz...esp. clement!! smallest of farnI!! eric oso...we want him in, tt's y cute sia they 2!! den the other is ah meng (shi ming), faris, mdm nasyita, radio and me!! hahaz..i sit front sit, no big effect!!
yah, reach sch tt time, oso found out tt mdm nasyita drive manual sia...other all auto-matic...power hor mdm nasyita?
hMMm..den, later hafta brg radio up, ...hafta go hall look for 'she bang', den...go lor (tot can see * in her rehearsal mah..) budden...nope, end liao..den walk all way up to com lab, and then M.R. room...old pig sty noe whu i referring to rite? Haw chih Hao...=P
hmmM...den after tt play bb at bronto..wah lao..dnnoe why, first match.. as i play, the more pek chek i am..dnnoE why man, maybe i toO lousy le la..cannot contriBUtez~'s y so angry abt...but den, lucky i got do some 'soul-searching', and zhi yong reminded me on P.O.X (well, he's in my team) den..woah...hahaZ!! won!! kekEx..power hor, alvin, zy and mE!!
den after tt ish nite liao whole nite, not to chat...but to wait..den tok to shafique...haIyo..he arh...really make me feel so bad sia..but, nvm..forget we decide to turn over a new leaf!! haha..shafique, you better kp your promise arh!! i wilL! dn worry!! =D
den..nite time..the best part, the later part la...10 sth..* online lEH! hahaz..actually...wanna confess liao..coz...really buay tahan le...the more i look at her, the more guilty i am....can see cannot noe~ very miserable....haiz...nvm..take one step by one step! but nvm long as i still can talk to her..i happY!! but still...i'm looking for the chance!! hahaz..;P ok la, not because i desperate la...but seriously speaking, i didn't tot of it, coz....of studies..but it seemed to me now tt...i am more distracted, coz i can't concentrate in class!! how?!! tt's why..but, i'm afraid she would be lor...hAIz..den i'm the 'hai ren jin' le...haiZ...cannot be so selFIsh de mah rite....haix...nvm, i'll see what i can do...
P.S : she's looking for my new blog address please ppl!! dn ever give her clue kayz? thank yOU!!
cyA!! buAiz~

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

C.c.a day~

welL~ Cca selection today, for the sec 1s, so the...nth to do!! hahaz...yalor..the fancy drill cancelled...tolD you!! i confirm it'll be cancelled wanz! jz as i thouGHt..but, nvm least can train and hav fuN tgT tt time...yeA? hehez...
fiRst, let's start the day....morn, meet alvin at 6.25, bus so late...den walk to rc rm, he showed me the Mj's biography~ wOah, so magnificent lor, and his life is..sO fulL of...stufF!interesting la, his life...den after tt...go class look for shafique to pass sth to *, well...he was late...den i saw her mah, so shun bian lor...jz give first...and shafique's one later....
den...i hate today manz! stupid classmates..grh..always saboh and tease me de! but, i cannot do anything...shiTz this!! hahaz...wad can i do? scold them, but at least i try to warn them hor, so...not tt guIlty!! hahaz..worse is when we at ss period tt time, her class jz walk pass and the stupid classmateS of mine just!! you's over! :P F and F!! - ForgivE and Forget~
well, cca reCruItment...well..rc's result's is 55! hahaz...not bad eh..but confirm..only 20 or less will turn up, sure de!! coz, they cannot take it seE lor...every year like this de!, si guan jiu hao...wah lao, actually...our plan very good de leh..but alot of things corked up~ bian lor..ruined alotz of thingz...nvm theN~ it's over!! hahaz..snatch zhi yong's sister to red cross...quite evil la, but kawan kawan mah...will help him look-after her de la...wad are friends for ritez? ;P
oNe goOD thing, maybe * dnnoe...but got very goOD view oF hEr on top lehz!! hahaz...*bian tai!!* but, hehez...eyes tio' attract dao blame me...yea? rarely got the chance kayz!! hehez... ;p
yeAh, tt's all fer today!! slping soon..if not, tmr overslp again...haha...

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

2nd day!!

yeAh!! 2nd day of schoOl, and yes!! i'm amazingly stiLl in one piece! ahhaz..guess what? Ms ng our eng teacher!?! omg!! but actually hor, she so far hor, not very unreasonable lehz...instead, i find her to be a pretty goOd eng teacher (after Mr kevin tan la...) yeApz! first day jiu kenna compo le, and what's worse..title is "flight" and nth else!! i hafta crack my stupId brain for stuPId 10 mins to start my intro!! wth!! but dn worry...i'm not alone! hehez... and sad enough...3e1 got Rajen sia!! pity them...gonna see * more in the foyer already (coz she(rajen) usually make her class stayback in the foyer isn't it?) hahaz....hope not la....if i find out whu make them stay baq arh...he/she watch out arh~ hahaz..jk la, as if i can do anything like tt~
hahAz..but toO bad, cannot be changewadz.....wah...bAD p.o.a class combined with the whole 4e2 le...die liao die to concentrate?!? nvm lor...go home study biaN! but, very sway leh!! haiz...than, physics, mr AzzAm...that one still can la, quite 'interesting'...and..the others stiLl not sure yet...
One more bad's on tUes and thurs!?! shitZ tt meanz, now hor, every week only mon free lehz...tues - fri hafta stay sch till late leh!! wth!?! haiz....sianz...jia lat, but lucky we have Mdm su for biO teacher!! the sec 3s got Ms wee~ =P toO badz!!
haiz...cca day tmr! jz bet with * abt the no. of ppl we can get, i was targetting at 60...but she set her point at 50, so yeap...this tell me to at least get 50! yar, but..i hope gz have less than 15, so...she'll also win her bet and draw draw...btw, what's the point of having so many juniors in a gz club ritez? see, so...i'm not cursing them or anything arh! dn misunderstand!'s abt all...haha...wiSh me luck for tmr's cca day..currently thinking a content for kai's compo (same as * lehz..) hMmm..not easy to's all! cya guys!

Sunday, January 02, 2005

mUAahahA~! gAMe!

hehez..oNe lAst blOg to enD the day of HolidAys!! hahaz..this yr, starting from tomorrow, would be the year of O'levels...hahaz...very worRied, but i'll try my best de! hehez...
Still, mz find entertainment de mah...anw, mz tell you all sth, i finally found games for me to play with on my com le!! yAy!! hahaz...3 games came at one go leh...muahahaha, my mind's gonNA be bz with these, hmwk and sth elsE!! hehez... now i can make use of my freE time le, so no excuse for me to complain boring le... (P.S: and you guys, dn always confuse me with all the r.o, maple-story or gunbound le, i oso have game to play liAoz!! hehex...cannot suan me anyMore!!=P)
oh yah, rEgarDing the game..i'm stiLl not quite sure with the Earth 2025, but it seemed to be a nice game, you all shld try? hahaz...jz some introduction la, similar to utopia de....den oso, i jz started playin neopets again (restart) ...aiyah, i dnnoe alL these de la...noob lai de!! mz duo duo zi jiao hor!! hahaz...teach me teach me!! hehe..stiLl so blur, lucky got tt MojOjo refresh my memory! hahaz..thanx jO!
yEApz...tmr sch reopen le!! yeah! baq to sch...though hafta wake up early, but can go baq class le...hehe....can't wait...Btw...i've cut my hair, so obiang, but bo bian, no cut = detention...i want clear records kayz!! hahaz...yeAPz...
toDay so happy, chatted with * all daY lOng!! how i wiSh i couLd do tT face to facE..haha...*dream on* hahaz..yalOR, like this loR...hehez...jz wish to go baq sch soon so i can see * again!! wEeEee~! (siaoz) hahaz..sort of,
jZ recieved news, my dnnoE wad relative is coming to visit s'pore, wah sian..hafta give out my noe why? coz my room most neat!?! omg!! tt's wad my mum said..anybody whu had seen my room...can you all believed it? haha..if my room is neat, then i cannot define what is 'neat' le? hahaz..yaloR, like this lor...hafta take out 'photos' from my table sEcure privacy...then i'm gonna slp wiTh my pO po! yea?'s abt alL~ hehex..cya pEepz baq to sch!!!

muahAHaz!! foUnd AnothEr RCY 55th anninversAry Photo!! tt's out Guard Of Honour, all saluting with pride! i'm in it..can you see me? hehez... =P Posted by Hello


ARGH!! sO swaY todAy!! shiTz mAnz!! grh...
Nvm..let's start with morning! well...overslept again..budden, not very late la....den go dwn take bus 15 to sunplaza...only see pRss cadets there, den Yan lin(ex-ma'm), yun ru and adel lor...13 of us...weLl, at least i manage to finish up my part for the fancy driLl le!! hehez...
yeaP, come home liao, jiu stay home all the way le...wanna go barber wan, budden mama say dnwan, say wad public hols may not meh? dnnoE la...den in the end nv go, raining oso..very nice to slp...den lie on bed liao..from 1.30 - 6+...wah..powEr!! very nice dreams leh!! hehez..
wad's worst for today is...wake up already, go msn..see * online, den i go tok to her la...but then hor...wah lao...tok to her so many things liao hoR, after tt...she off and online again..only to tell me tt is her cousin tt's using...kAoz!!! so dAMn pai seH! all my heart-felt! words whu? her cousin?!? so freakin mei lian jian ren leh...haiz...jz hope she din noe abt this....wanna kill her cousin man, if i have the chance!! grh!! haha...jk la, i where dare~'s alL lor...haiz..if only tt was really her...haiz...but, nvm least i was able to tok to the 'real' her after tt...hehez (she doesn't seem to noe!), but one bad thing is...she seems to be in bad mood~ haiz...dnnoe if i'm the cause? (coz i kept toking to her...) haiz...dnnoE wad happen lehz...really wanna cheer her up...nvm...seE tmr lor...try to ask again....if only i noe wad's going on...'s all
P.S* : 'Model'...not a bad ambition hor? can anyone brief on me more abt this job? dn worry...i'm not interested...jz wanna noe more abt this~ hehez...cya guys!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

new yEAR!! 01/01/05!!

yeAhz!!! it'S a BrANd new YeaR!! muahaHa~ the time psasEs just so fast~ welL, sadly...there's a disaster in one of ouR neighbourinG country...shld we fEEl hapPy or sad? jz can't agreE on one!
welL, early in the morn', i'll pei Zhi yong to Zhong yi(chinese physican - correct spelling?), yalor...all the way to Ang Mo Kio lEhz...mai siao siao~ haha..den, was suppose to ReAch tamp east cc at 3pm de...den i reach 3.05...luCky...the thing haven't not tt guilty...hehez.. =P thE SNO concert hoR, hafta do the usher rest de leiz~ but good thIng is, got free drinks!! hahaz..Yeo's..packet wanz... oso goT coke light...hehez...not bad la! the thing is...din get foOD, until the nite where i have my dinner / supper at Central!! hahaz..poWer!! cannoT blAMe la...on diEt!! hahaz...-_-'''
Yeapz...den go pr pArk until verY late...coz no bus mah...hafta walk home, wah lao...the StUpid road lamps leH!! so freaking dark!! wah lao...nxt time, not walking there alone le...yUckz!! senDing crEEpz man..but, fortunately, nth happEN jz now!! hahaz...
yeApz...faster reach hoMe den come oNLiNE!! hahaz...yeapZ, tt's my day!! cya pEePz~!
lAsT of all....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!